Chapter Three - Welcome to the Family

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There isn't much that terrifies me, but everyone has their fears. Deep water, that's enough to send me into a panic attack frenzy. Yacht cruises are completely, unequivocally, out of the question. Trypophobia – I hate clusters of holes. Those flowers with the weird holes in them? The image of my nightmares. Just imagine what lives inside them.

But as it turns out, I'm absolutely petrified of one other thing. Being tied to Elijah Hendrix for the next twelve weeks under the pretence of a baby project.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused. I thought abuse in the place of education was a crime." I splutter out in confusion, already feeling a nervous sweat burn through me.

Mrs Ford smiles at me, thrusting the USB into my hand. Who knew such a small thing could be capable of such torture? "This morning, class picked their pairs. Obviously, you two were engaged elsewhere, so as luck so happens, you were the last two without a partner.

"I did have my own reservations – it's fairly common knowledge that the two of you have a long list of problems with one another." I scoff at the understatement of the century. "But, after a rather lengthy conversation with the principle, and your guidance counsellor, we decided that it's in the best interests of you both to give you an ultimatum. Put your issues aside to complete the project and pass the class - which you deserve - or continuing acting like a set of children without social etiquette, fail, and face expulsion."

Evil reincarnated. St Bardo's is hell.

"As much as I commend you for your wicked thinking," Elijah begins, as flustered as me. "There is no way that either of us will last twelve weeks. And I mean that, sincerely. One of us will be dead."

I nod emphatically, extending the USB stick to hand her it back. "He's completely right." I tell her with every ounce of seriousness.

"Look at you both! Progress already – unanimous agreement. I think you'll both be just fine." I'm very rarely stunned to silence, but I suppose there is a first for everything. "I've requested that you have a laptop in detention. I suggest that you read through the criteria. Deadline is in twelve week. Good luck, now run along."

The pair of us shuffle towards our detention completely silent. In fact, I think it's the only time either of us have been in one another's company without trying to tear the other a new one. We're clearly just too gobsmacked to utter even a single word, let alone an insult.

In detention, a simple classroom with rows of tables, on one of which sits a laptop, Mr Succett leans against the windowsill with a smug expression of victory. "Welcome. Detention begins once you're logged in. Mrs Ford and I thought that it would be particularly useful that you use this time to get started on your project. Enjoy."

He leaves us then, just Hendrix and I in this room. Has he learned nothing?

Much to my surprise, Elijah takes a seat, powering on the laptop and signing in, uploading the USB contents. "Sit then." He instructs snappily. I scrunch up my face and stick out my tongue but comply, shuffling my chair so their is enough distance between us. He opens a slide show, on which breaks down how the next twelve weeks will fall.

Before I can begin reading, my phone buzzes from my bag. I groan at the caller ID, knowing that I'm about to get a storm of abuse shouted into my ear.

"Hi Ezzy." I say softly, bracing myself for the scolding of whatever it is I've done now. My brother Ezra only recently moved back home following a breakup from his girlfriend. Since, he's had an incredibly short fuse and snaps at almost everything. Only yesterday, I suffered a twenty minute lecture about leaving the toothpaste cap off, for it to come to our attention that it was actually our dad that was the culprit. I didn't get an apology.

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