Chapter Fifteen - Sentiment in Profanities

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"Wow, it suits you."

I shoot Hendrix a glare before inspecting my freshly wrapped hand. My middle and ring finger are in a splint, my index knuckled wrapped. Maybe I should go as a mummy for Halloween, I'm already halfway there. "It's itchy." I say through a sigh, trying pointlessly to flex my fist, despite it being professionally restrained.

"Maybe it'll teach you a lesson on how to funnel your anger into other means of retaliation rather than just punching people in the face." Hendrix muses with a grin, hoisting Ellie's car seat further up his arm before pointing to the subtle purple hue on the bridge of his nose. "The Doctor must've thought you was a nutter."

"More than," I mumble, throwing a nervous glance over my shoulder. "I thought they were going to institutionalise me when I was screaming at you for leaving a baby doll in the car." Hendrix chokes back a laugh, throwing a casual arm over my shoulder, an action foreign between us.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't have let them take you." He grins boyishly, earning a roll of my eyes.

"Don't think you'd have had much of an option. She looked like she was ready to wrap me up in a strait jacket faster than I could say 'I'm not a lunatic'." I tell him grumpily.

He sighs and steers me in the direction of the main entrance. "Sounds just like what a lunatic would say." I scoff at him, shoving him slightly with my side, knocking the both of us off balance.

"Steady on." I warn him. He grins at me, squeezing my shoulder slightly.

"I'll pretend like your threats scare me when you've got a hand wrapped up like a pork joint." I scowl at him but can't hold back the bubble of laughter that escapes me when I hold out my hand to inspect his claim. "How does it feel?" He inquires with newfound sincerity.

"Like I didn't punch him hard enough." I confess, climbing into the passenger side of Hendrix's car after he's put Ellie in the back seat.

"Really? Because to me it was like watching a cartoon where they have the birds and the stars floating around their head." I laugh again, but this time it quickly deflates. He begins driving, letting the pair of us mull in a comfortable silence before he disturbs it. "I'm sorry."

I turn to him with my brows knitted in confusion. Another apology? "Sorry for what?" I ask him.

"For coming over. I feel like I might not have helped the situation." He says through a sigh.

"Well, I don't think you made it better." I say with a slight grin. "But don't be sorry. I totally did not have it handled." I tell him. "He's a massive douche." I add, scrunching my face up when an image of him worms it's way inside my mind.

"A douche?" Hendrix echoes. "You've called me far worse for much less." I chuckle slightly, curling my body up on the chair so that I can face him, watching him drive with a look of focus.

"Yes, but sometimes when I say dickwad, I mean it to be endearing." He smiles at me then, throwing a chaste glance in my direction before setting his eyes back on the road.

"Oh, endearing? Remind me to buy you a dictionary for Christmas. Seems like you could do with scrubbing up on your definitions." He tells me. I'd punch him, but I don't feel like ruining my one good hand, or distracting the driver. "So, and don't take this as me getting involved," he begins, raising a brow at his subtle jibe to our last conversation on the topic of Adam, when he ended up with a fist to the face. "But, what happened?"

I sigh and turn my head to look out of the window. "Dreamboat and his girlfriend broke up. He's wanting to 'talk' and won't take no for an answer." I mumble, hoping that the rather short and nondescript explanation will be satisfactory. Elijah nods in my peripheral but says nothing. I turn back to him then, brow cocked in suspicion. "What did you mean when you said he didn't listen to you?"

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