Chapter Thirty Three - Crossing The Finish Line

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All done.

The assignment, that is. Me and Hendrix are still going strong.

Handing in that USB, filled with occurrence (those relevant of course) to the past twelve weeks of the baby project, I couldn't help getting emotional. Yes, I know, what a soft twat. It was a robot baby and two gruelling written pieces, but to me, it was more.

It was realising that I can't do everything alone. It was realising that sometimes, people genuinely do want to help. It was finally admitting that not everyone is a piece of shit and even more so, concluding that sometimes, violence isn't the answer.

I mean, over these twelve weeks, I've finally gotten over my ex-boyfriend, gotten under Hendrix – it was just as I expected, crude throughout, but I won't lie and say I hated it – managed to alter myself in a way that's positive, and I'm genuinely happy.

Mrs Ford is exceptionally pleased with the pair of us and how far we've come. I mean, it's a big deal. This time three months ago all I could see was Hendrix and my fist pummelling his face. Now, well I still see Hendrix, but, in a very different light.

Nat won the bet. Make of that, what you will.

Now, with the school term drawing to a finish, Hendrix and I, Collins, Lena and Seb are all sat in the common area, waiting for the final bell to sound. Seb is sat beside me, though I'm sure he's aware, as much as I am, at Elijah's arm that is slung possessively over my shoulder. It's quite flattering.

"So, tomorrow?" I ask them all, waiting expectantly for their responses. I'd checked with my parents, and all three of my brothers, considering Ben is home for the holidays, if they minded me having one final movie marathon before the new year.

My mum was probably the most excited of everyone, as expected. It was just left to these to confirm; Nat and Addie were easily convinced, more so because Nat couldn't wait to introduce her new girlfriend to the boys and rub in their faces about how she managed to get a girl hotter than them. Lena wasn't impressed with that comment.

Ben, Ezzy and Oli are all pretty nonchalant on the idea, but I know once the evening is in motion, they'll be the life of the party. I'd asked Jack but he assured me he'd rather not have to couple up with Seb for the evening, but I didn't bother arguing that Seb will probably be coupled up with my dad most of the night.

They all chorused agreement and I grinned. It was going to be one full house. "When do you fly?" I ask Seb.

"Monday." He answers through a sigh. "Can't wait to be soaking up the sun in the Canaries while you're freezing your nips off." I elbow him playfully and he gasps as I wind him.

"What about you Lena? Are you going back home?" I say.

"Nope." She says, popping the 'p'. "I put my foot down and said I'm staying here while they go." I raise a brow at her. "They said I was being rude, because my grandma might not have long, but I know that woman. She'll outlive us all, and then some." She tells me sternly. I laugh and let my head find Elijah's shoulder.

I turn up to him slightly with wide eyes. "What about you?"

"What about me?" He counters.

"Well, how do Christmas' work at home?" I ask.

"Well," he begins with a dramatic sigh. "Every year, on the morning of the twenty fifth, we get up and tiptoe into the living room, our eyes tight on the fireplace to see if Santa Claus has nibbled at his mince pie –"

"You're such a dick." I huff out, shuffling away from him. He laughs and pulls me closer, his hand finding my hair, lacing through it languidly.

"It's just Christmas babe. Presents in the morning, food during the day, alcohol from the moment it's deemed socially acceptable." He explains nonchalantly.

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