Chapter Twenty Seven - An Addition to Stay

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I cannot describe the feeling. A chest so full of pride, the love I feel, despite my niece having only been in my arms for a moment.

I thought she'd look like an alien, they usually do, but she's a doll. A perfect porcelain doll with thick, dark hair and a small pouty mouth and long lashes that flutter over her cheeks.

Ferne gave birth not even five minutes following my vomiting. She's over the moon, less so when I referred to her birth canal as a log flume ride. How else am I to describe it? I've never known a birth go so fast!

As of current, Ferne's getting checked over by the paramedics, having her levels monitored and getting stitched up. While me, well, I get to cuddle my beautiful baby niece. Never have I felt so elated. "Hi baby girl." I coo, fixing the blanket she's swaddled in so her chubby cheeks are on full display. Although she's three weeks premature, the paramedics say she's perfectly healthy, 6 pounds exactly, with ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes.

Someone comes behind me, warm and familiar, placing a strong hand on my shoulder before he lowers his head to rest his chin on my other. "She's so cute." Elijah mumbles, looking wide eyed at the infant in my arms. I ignore the tingles that flood me, originating from where his skin rests on mine.

"I can't believe how much I love her already." I tell him, twisting my head slightly to meet his eyes. He smiles at me, a proper smile, one I haven't seen for so long and I can't help letting my gaze fall to his lips for a moment. I could so easily kiss him right now.

It's not the time though, Charlotte. Not with your hour old niece in your arms. PDA isn't acceptable in front of such young eyes. Well, her eyes are closed, so technically...

But the moment is gone. He simply squeezes my shoulder and sits beside me, grinning as though he can feel the pride radiating from me. I run the back of my finger across her cheek, a result of which is her eyes fluttering open, looking at me with deep intent. She has dark, chocolate eyes, but they're so huge, perfectly round and bright, squeezing my heart even further.

"Your uncles are going to be so jealous when they find out I met you first." I tell her, grinning as her eyes stay trained on mine. I sigh, contented, lifting my eyes to look at Hendrix who is smiling at me. "Is it completely barbaric that I want my own?" I say, tucking my hair behind my ears.

He raises a brow at me. "Yes. Completely. I thought women were meant to be good at the birthing side of things." He smirks.

"Elijah, if you saw what I saw, you'd have vomited too." I inform him, still smiling all the same. "Thank you for coming, by the way." I say softly. He smiles at me. "I know things between us haven't exactly been, normal, but I really appreciate it."

"Osborne, what is our normal?" He asks me with a roll of his eyes. I shrug, letting my eyes drop back to the baby.

"I'm not sure. A lot's changed, hasn't it? But I don't like what we're like now. I've enjoyed having you around." I tell him honestly, though my voice is so quiet, it's a miracle he hears me.

"Need I remind you that we're like this because of you? Because you bugged out after the Halloween party and told me you'd rather spend your days hating me." He reminds me. I inwardly cringe. I did say that, didn't I?

"I was confused Elijah. I still am." He inches closer, only slightly, but it completely changes the atmosphere. His leg is pressed against mine and he's braced on his arm, leaning himself closer while being equally careful that he doesn't touch the baby. We hold one another's gaze, though I notice his eyes drop subtly to my mouth, triggering me to tug my bottom lip behind my teeth.

"What are you confused about Lottie?" He asks me, his voice suddenly deep, husky even.

"Elijah, I think I have –"

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