Chapter 55: Goodbye

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I swivel to see a flurry of red hair coming my way. Serena. She looks beautiful as always, but her face is painted in unfriendliness. I look for an escape route but for her tiny legs, she surprisingly walks super fast. She stops once she is inches in front of me and looks me up and down filled with hatred and disgust.

"Oh, we are just friends!" She blurts using air quotes and a high-pitched voice in an attempt to imitate me...Okay, my voice definitely doesn't sound like that.

"You are such a slut. What were you sleeping with him the whole time!" She sneers at me crossing her arms across her chest. "And wow, now he finally is giving you the time of day to call you his girlfriend. Aren't you so happy now," Serena mocks.

Wetness forms in my eyes and I take a small step away from her hurt. "Yo-you don't know anything. That is not what happened."

"I know what I need to. You're a liar and a backstabbing wh—"

"Stop!" I snap. I ball my hands up at my side outraged and humiliated. Everything she is saying stings. I never meant to hurt anyone, but I am tired of being talked down to. "You need to stop right now Serena. Sebastien and I never did anything while you two were together. That is a fact and if you don't believe me fine! I honestly don't give a damn if you do! But I will not accept you yelling in my face. So back off," I hiss.

Her face scrunches up into a permanent scowl. "Whatever Emma. I hope I never see you again."

I bite back any foul words not wanting to stoop to her level. "Goodbye Serena," I state. I cross my arms cooly, feeling better that I spoke my mind. She flips her hair over her shoulder and storms off. I hope I never see her again too. Some people you can't just win with.


Standing in line for dinner, I scoop up a roll and a bowl of watery soup to my tray. I spot Jamie and Jess out of the corner of my eye at our normal table and make my way over. I plop down into the seat rubbing my forehead attempting to relieve the tension building there. Serena managed to give me a stupid headache.

"Girl, what happened? You look like you just ran over a bunny," Jamie murmurs alarmed.

I glance up at her. "Oh my gosh no, that would have been worse. It was just an incident with Serena," I answer and drop my hands.

"Serena?" Her eyebrows widen. "Oh o-kay, time to spill," Jamie demands. Jess, Lukas, and Jeremy pause whatever they were talking about and lean in to eavesdrop. I take a deep breath and put down my spoon before I replay the encounter to the four of them.

All their faces turn to rage by the end of my rant. Jess quickly scurries to my side and hugs me. "I am so sorry Emma. That was so rude," Jess exclaims.

I stare into my soup. "Yeah, I thought it was pretty cruel. I know she was upset, but they haven't even been together for a while," I murmur.

"That was so petty of her. Okay, tell me when and I'll egg her car," Jamie declares. "I got connections in the sorority we can find her and her building. No one will ever need to know. I'll then hit her window too just for the hell of it." An evil glint forms in her eyes.

"Yes, I'll help." Lukas agrees nodding enthusiatically.

"Oh my gosh no. Jamie. Lukas. No." I shake my head forcibly.

Lukas folds his arms like a child being told he can't have ice cream before dinner.

Jamie rolls her eyes disappointed. "Ugh, fine. If you change your mind though let me know. No questions asked." Jeremy twists to stare at her horrified, clearly not knowing what he got himself into.

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