Chapter 33: Pancakes

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I wake up to my head pounding and the sun blinding. So this is a hangover, no wonder why people hate it so much. I groan and flip over to the other side of the bed ripping down the blinds to hide the scorching sun, but they battle me snapping open even wider.

"Ughhh" I groan loudly to no one but myself.

I hold my head tighter from the grogginess wanting to fight the bird chirping that is outside my window. I try to think about whatever the hell day it is, but my mind is a blur like watching a movie in fast-forward. I snatch my phone scrolling through a load of messages and it hits me, last night was the Halloween party. Images start floating back to my mind, but I can't remember much from after I kissed that random dude. I look over across the room and notice Becky asleep in her bed. I try and recall how I even got back to my dorm, but it is all drawing a big blank. I faintly remember a pleasant dream of seeing Bash as both a wolf and a fireman carrying me home, but unfortunately, I can't remember the reality.

I glance back down to my phone sitting up slowly and lean against my pillow in support. Very steadily, I start typing back to my friends that I am fine but not feeling so hot. Placing my phone at my nightstand, I spot water, Advil, and my folded cloak next to my clock. Thank goodness. I open the Advil swallowing some down with the water. I'm immensely grateful for whoever left that for me. Muddleheaded, I gather myself into the shower and change at leisure speed. Once finished, I force myself to walk to class in my sunglasses gradually going the least crowded route I know.

I have absolutely no idea how students have gone to class hungover before. The professor's voice is like she is screeching into a megaphone straight into my ear. Somehow I survive my Biochemistry lecture without passing out in the middle of my professor discussing xenobiotics. As soon as I am done with class, I scurry back to my dorm to my bed and go to sleep ignoring everything and everyone exactly as it should be.

Around 1pm, I wake up to my phone incessantly buzzing.

Yoga and pancakes? (Jamie)

I respond, yes to pancakes hell no to yoga.

We travel over to the pancake house off-campus and I order double chocolate-chip pancakes doused in whipped cream with cherries on top. I match it with a large coffee and orange juice as Jamie starts to fill me in about the party from last night.

"Jeremy finally kissed me when he dropped me off at my apartment," she tells me a smirk on her glowing face.

"Really? That's great!" I declare happily, I would have a way more enthusiastic reaction if I wasn't as hungover as I was, but I am still thrilled for her inside. I take off my cherry and plop it into my mouth.

"Do you know how I got home last night?" I ask still confused at what happened towards the end of the night. She shakes her head in disagreement. "Hmph," I grumble, cutting into my pancakes devouring the chocolate gooeyness.

"All I know," she says waving her finger at me, "Is that you, little missy, got hot and heavy with some ginger."

I howl in laughter at her smug grin barely able to remember his face. I do remember his red hair though.

"I think I was calling him Ronald Mcdonald," I tell her in between laughs. She raises her eyebrows and joins me exploding into giggles. Once I clean my plate eating every speck, she finishes off her omelette.

"I'm off to yoga, ta ta."

"Sounds good James, later," I respond.

She waves and grabs her yoga mat walking in the opposite direction. I turn and walk in the direction of the bookstore on campus. I roam the aisles feeling more at ease the coffee doing its work, my headache lessening. After shopping for a couple of books some more parts of the night slowly crawl back to me. I remember that Jess and Jared got into a fight and so I call her up.

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