Chapter 35: Slacker Cookies

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It's Thanksgiving break and I feel even worse than normal. Holidays have never been a very family-oriented feeling since my parents continue to work. I always end up spending them with Bash, but because we haven't even talked in so long, that's not really a choice at the moment. Considering my only other option is Jamie and her family, with who I have never been close to, it looks like I will just have to spend Thursday alone. Packing up a weekend bag, I catch Becky doing the same.

"So what are your plans for Thanksgiving?" I ask zipping up my backpack.

"I was going to go to Ray's but we are in the middle of a fight right now, so I am staying at my cousins'," she says shoving her textbooks in her duffel bag extra hard.

"Oh, is um everything alright?" I ask tentatively.

"No, not really. Ray had a drink the night of Halloween. We've been arguing about it since," she says putting her bag down and sitting down on her bed.

I gulp. "I, uh...that's difficult. I am sorry," I reply feeling at loss for words.

"It's okay. Ray is just not making it a big deal," she says looking down tracing her comforter with her finger. "I told her to call someone just to talk it out, but she declares she's fine, better than ever supposedly. She's lying, I know it," Becky urges. "I won't stand by and watch her fall apart, but I also don't want to blow it out of proportion. I am just angry," she huffs.

I don't know what to say so I walk over and hug her and she hugs me back.

She breathes out a small laugh. "I am fine, I am fine. Thanks, Emma. Honestly, it will be good to have this break this weekend. I haven't seen my cousins in a while and they like to celebrate a late Korean Thanksgiving during this break. They make killer songpyeon."

"That's good to hear and sounds like you need it. It will be good for us to take a break," I tell her.

"Yeah, it will be. Thanks. I'm going to go now! I'll see you Sunday, have a good Thanksgiving! Eat lots!"

I chuckle, "Thanks, you too!"


I lug my clothes home and arrive at my big empty house. Since it's Thanksgiving Eve, I ultimately decide to bake some cookies. There's a post-it on the counter with a hundred-dollar bill and my dad's handwriting scribbling out that it is for food. I snatch the money not understanding why one person eating alone needs a hundred dollars for food. I grab my bag and walk out the door to go pick up some cookie dough when I see Bash blocking my path. He's on my bottom doorstep with his hands in his pockets. Behind his hood, he peers up at me as I approach.

"Bash? What are you doing here?" I say losing my breath. It feels like ages since I saw him last. He is wearing a black denim jacket, dark jeans, and an ivory hoodie underneath. His cheeks are slightly flushed red from the cold air and his chin has a small layer of scruff. His eyes meet mine drawing me into the hues of churning blue waves.

He clears his throat. "Hey Emma, I'm here to ask if you would still like to come for dinner tomorrow. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without you," he says his voice mixed with sorrow and something else.

"I thought you were mad at me," I murmur, uncomfortable by the distance between us.

"No, I'm not mad. I just," he runs his hand through his hair looking up at the sky. "I am sorry I just been going through some of my own shit and needed some time on my own. I didn't mean for you to think I was angry. I'm sorry Emma. Will you forgive me?"

I nod my head without a thought. I run up and hug him and he grips me tightly wrapping his hands around my waist. I take in a deep breath of him and pull back.

"I am about to go to the store. Want to make cookies?"

He releases a laugh. "Chocolate-chip?"

"Of course," I reply.

"Then do you even need to ask?" he retorts back teasingly bumping his shoulder into me.

I give him a small shove in the direction of my car and we drive down to the store. Not a flicker of awkwardness runs between us anymore from the distance we have been apart.

"Let's make them from scratch!" I tell him merrily. He arches an eyebrow as he puts down the cookie mix.

"Alright, whatever you want Emma. Always taking the most difficult route," he replies jokingly rolling his eyes.

"Stop being lazy Bash, grab those eggs," I say bossily.

He begrudgingly listens to my command before he insists that he pays on the line. We come back for me to prep, roll, and bake all 3 batches as he sits back and watches like the slacker he is.

"Britt is going to tag-along on Black Friday this year," he informs me.

I slide the tray into the oven. "She is? Okay," I answer and put on a timer.

"Yeah, is that cool with you?" He asks mildly concerned.

"Of course, you know what, I will invite Jamie too!"

"Sounds good," he retorts as he tries to sneak some raw cookie dough and I slap his hand away. We wait for the timer to beep before we dive in and I am unable to wipe a smile off my face the rest of the night from the feeling things are right once again.

*author's note*
To everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving, happy thanksgiving woohoo!

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