Chapter 27: Sebastien John Reed

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Dinner was very relaxing and laidback with Luka. We went to a cozy Vietnamese cafe and ordered some pho that was the perfect temperature for this fall weather. It also turned out to be a good study session since we brought our stats books with us. By 9p.m., I left for my dorm to get ready for sleep, my mind mostly clear of Sebastien.

Now alone in my room, since Becky is still at Ray's for the weekend, my thoughts start churning over the past couple of days as I stare up at the ceiling. Snapping myself out of it, I switch on my lamp and walk over to my bookshelf running my fingers across the titles. I quickly snatch up an old favorite to occupy my thoughts since I realize I am not falling asleep anytime soon. I flip the page of my fantasy book when Jamie strides in, which strikes me as odd considering she no longer lives here.

"Oh, there you are I've been trying to find you," she tells me kicking off her leather boots.

"Why, what's up?" I ask quizzically sitting straight up.

"Sebastien came by me when you were at dinner with Luka...," she explains. Her lips purse as she gives me the shit is about to go down look.

"What?" I exclaim.

"Yeah, I told him you went out to dinner with Luka and he got ticked off. He left before I could say more and then I got a little distracted. Sorry! But I just remembered and I came as soon as I could to find you."

"What? Are you kidding me right now!" I slam down my book not even bookmarking my page.
"He is acting so petty and unfair right now! Luka and I are not dating and even if we were that doesn't matter. Gosh," I say incensed.

"Yeah, he definitely isn't being fair," she tells me plopping down onto my bed. She starts braiding her dirty blonde hair into a side braid.

I stare vacantly, angrily dwelling on Sebastien's behavior. "I am going over there," I announce and bolt up to standing. I grab my vintage jacket and start lacing up my combat boots next to my bed.

"What? Oh no, Emma, that's not a good idea. You are clearly mad and so is he. Let it blow over," she urges me.

"No, I am heading over. I'll text if anything happens. Stay if you like there's some food in the mini-fridge." I then surge out of my dorm propelled by my anger. I can't believe him, what is his problem? Does he have an issue with Luka or is this about me? He was the one that always told me to be more social and now all of the sudden he doesn't want that? I literally want to pull my hair out. I am finally understanding how Britt calls him confusing. I want to go over and shake some sense into him that he clearly lost since I last saw him.

By the time my Uber pulls up to his frat house, I catch sight of another party going on.

"Oh great," I mutter out loud to the empty air. Along with an unzipped old jacket, I am in my pajamas which consist of an oversized tiger t-shirt and super fuzzy shorts. Whatever, I already made it this far. I walk over to the door and two bulky guys stop me before I can walk in. Both their arms are crossed across their chest and they loom over me literally almost double my height. One of them observes my outfit his unshaven face scrunching up in confusion.

"Sorry we are capped for the night," the curly-haired one on the left monotonously informs me. I blink at them both before my body goes rigid. I stand up taller.

"Yeah, no." I icily stare them both down. "I need to speak with Sebastien John Reed now. If I don't, I am going to cause a scene. Don't make me cause a scene," I declare forcefully not giving them much of an option. I am livid and unconcerned about how I appear or sound. I have no idea what scene I will cause, but I'll do what I got to do to get in. I am so in the moment I barely even feel the cold racing down my bare legs.

The two guys glance at each other taken aback. The curly-hair one pulls out his phone and starts typing a number. I tap my foot irritated crossing my arms across my extra-large Princeton shirt.

The guy making the call says into his phone, "So this chick is in her pajamas threatening us that she needs to see Sebastien this instant. What should we do?"

If I wasn't so angry, I would be laughing at the craziness of this moment.

"Okay, alright," he hangs up and nods at the dude on the right. He looks back at me stepping aside. "You can go in."

"Thank you." I march past them feeling a pang of regret I lashed out at them, but I don't have time to worry about that with more urgent matters on my mind.

*Author's Note*
Send a vote if you like sassy Emma ;)

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