Halloween II Part 2

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Jake cleared his throat and knocked on the door to Holt's office. "Salutations, Captain. I was wondering perchance if you would like to attend the opera with me this eve."

"I'll pass, choosing instead to stay in my locked office with my watch still safely on my wrist" said Holt.

"I had a feeling you might say that. Thusfore, I have decided to bring the opera to you. Hitchcock, Scully" Jake said, and Hitchcock began to play some music, and Scully walked forward, singing opera.

Jake walked away, and Terry began to spray the door to Holt's office.

"Now, Hammer, it's time. It's Hammer time! I love life" Jake said.

Terry smashed the lock, causing Holt to look alarmed.

"You're up, Dagger" said Jake, and Rosa walked forward and put a smoke bomb in Holt's office. "Hall Monitor, y/n, now! Block his path!"

You and Amy led a large group of perps across the door to Holt's office.

"Okay, Boyle, and only because you insisted I say this, it's time to drop a deuce" said Jake, and Charles dropped colorful thumbtacks from the ceiling. "And now, the Jake and Bake."

A drone controlled by Jake flew towards Captain Holt, and Holt ducked, knocking into a man's head.

"Whoa, come on y/n, that's guy" said Jake, giving you the controls to the drone, but you passed them back.

"Peralta, that's enough!" Holt said. He walked over to where Fingers was lying on the ground. "Sir, sir. I'm so sorry."

"I just wanted somebody to check my son's candy" Fingers said.

"Please, let me help you up. On behalf of the Nine-Nine, I apologize" said Holt as Fingers took the watch off Holt's wrist and replaced it with the replica.

"Fingers has grabbed the package" said Jake. "I didn't mean for that to sound so dirty."

"I'll have someone check your son's bag of candy immediately. Clark" said Holt, and Clark grabbed the bag and began to check it.

"Thank you, sir" said Fingers.

"If you need anything, please, contact me" Holt said, shaking Fingers' hand. "I know all this was done in the spirit of a friendly bet, but this all went too far. Am I understood?"

"Completely understood, sir. I'm sorry" said Jake. "But not as sorry as you're going to be at midnight, when you realize that you've lost everything."


"Enjoy the vest and the light" said Terry, as you handed a pumpkin to a kid. "You will be so safe, it's scary."

"Lame" said the kid.

"That kid gets it" said Gina, walking over.

"Thanks for finally joining us, Gina" you said.

"We had to stuff four hundred of these things without you" said Rosa.

"Great seeing you guys. Unfortunately, I cannot stay long. I just came to grab a healthy snack" Gina said, grabbing something from a kid's pumpkin. "Got it. I'm still tending to that urgent matter I was talking about earlier."

"Which is what exactly?" asked Amy.

"Hmm, funny you should ask, you inquisitive little ferret. I've been practising my dance moves. My dance troupe, Floorgasm, is performing tonight in the Boooo-ty Shake Grand Prix" said Gina.

"Gina, what the hell? I defended you, and your urgent matter was just practicing for some stupid dance show?" Terry asked as you, Rosa and Amy went back to handing out pumpkins.

"Look, I can't help it if my life is literally a Step Up movie" said Gina, and you stopped listening after that.


You and the rest of the squad watched as an angry Holt entered the interrogation room, where Jake was waiting.

"Talk now!" said Holt, slamming the door.

"You seem upset. Well, here's how the story goes. Remember that little Halloween bet that we made? You probably don't even remember, it was so early this morning. Anywhoozle, it turns out the criminal I hired to lift your watch was not trustworthy, and I ended up contracting tuberculosis of the foot and subsequently losing your death watch. But in the end, I like to think this whole thing is gonna bring us closer together and isn't that what it's really about? Merry Christmas!" said Jake.

"What are you saying? My watch is right here" Holt said, showing Jake the watch.

"No, I made a switch. That's a fake" Jake said.

"No" Holt pulled his sleeve down to reveal another watch, the replica and pointed to it. "This one's a fake."

"What? No. What? No. What? No. You were behind all this?" asked Jake, confused. "You played me."

"Like Frans Bruggen plays the flute" said Holt.

"But how? I've been planning this theft for three months" Jake said.

Just so you know, the reason that it ends here is because I want a whole chapter for the explanation, and then there's also some more of the episode that I want to write.

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