The Boyle-Linetti Wedding Part 2

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You and Jake were waiting in your car.

"I wonder what Jenny Gildenhorn will be wearing tonight. Do you think she'll be in her high school field hockey uniform? That'd be crazy, right?" he asked.

"Why would she wear something like that to a wedding?" you asked.

"Yeah, true" said Jake. "Ah, well, I hate to say it, but there's no sign of Minsk. We should really get going. Jenny awaits."

"Oh, my God. Look!" you said, pointing at something on the street.

"Fung" said Jake.

"Minsk!" you corrected.

"Right, Minsk. I know it's Minsk. Let's go" said Jake, and you both got out of the car.


You walked around the warehouse, gun out, and you rounded a corner. "Clear. He's gotta be in here somewhere."

You looked round a corner. "Clear" you said, as Jake ran next to you.

"I love this. Tux on, gun out. I feel like James Bond, and you're my mysterious femme fatale that I've been partenered with, Maxi Pads" said Jake.

"That was the best name you could come up with. Really?" you said.

"I don't know! I didn't want to make the name to sexual, and I panicked!" Jake said, running off, followed by you. He looked round a corner. "Clear. If we catch this guy in the next fifteen minutes, we can still make the wedding."

"What are you gonna say when you see Jenny Gildenhorn?" you asked.

"I was thinking I'd go with 'Jamie Gordenhorn?' You know, make it seem like I haven't been staring at her on the Internet for the past twenty years" said Jake.

"Or you could call her by her real name. She would like that" you suggested.

"I don't know. I think girls like being deceived" said Jake as you shook your head. "No? Okay."

"Clear" you said, looking down two aisles.

"So, you're really okay with me and Jenny Gildenhorn, huh?" Jake asked.

"Totally. Everything that happened between us was ages ago. I thought we talked about that. Besides, you haven't even talked to her yet" you said.

"I know. But that was before you saw me in this dope-ass tux. I mean, you must be freaking out" Jake said.

"Oh, sure. I really like rented clothes. I love how many butts have been in them" you said.

"I know you're making fun of me, but that sexy voice is kinda getting me going. But more importantly, this is a fancy outfit, all right? I sprang for the three button jacket. It was eight dollars extra" said Jake.

A crash came from inside the warehouse.

"He's heading for the alley" you said, running after Minsk.


You and Jake cautiously walked down the alley, guns out. 

You gestured towards the trash can. "NYPD! We know you're here, Minsk!"

You walked around the trash can to see some trash bags and shouted "Freeze!" as Minsk ran out, knocking you into the pile of trash bags nearby.

"Hey!" said Jake and knocked Minsk to the ground.

Jake rolled Minsk onto his front, and you got up and aimed your gun at Minsk's back.

"Gregor Minsk, you're under arrest" said Jake. He then looked at his tux to see a rip. "Oh, no. I can't let Jenny see me like this. I ripped my cumberband. Do you know where I can get one?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. We can stop somewhere on the way back and find a cheap one, I don't know" you said.


You and Jake ran up to Gina, Amy, Charles and Hitchcock.

"Made it. Made it in time" said Jake.

Gina turned round. "Ew, y/n! Your dress is filthy. However, I brought a spare outfit."

"Why?" you asked.

"I knew I was probably gonna hate whatever Amy was wearing, so I brought a spare. But, Amy looks acceptable, so you can wear the spare" said Gina.

"What's wrong with my dress style?" asked Amy.

Gina ignored her.

Jenny Gildenhorn walked in.

"Oh, my God. It's Jenny" Jake said. "She's here. Okay, how do I look?"

"Better than me" you said. "Actually, you look great. Go get her, Bond."

"Thanks, Maxi Pads" said Jake.

Jake walked over to Jenny.

"So, Gina, where's this spare dress?" you asked.

"Later" said Gina, walking towards Jake. "Uh, Jake. What are you doing? Give me the ring."

Jake laughed. "You sound like Gollum."

"That means nothing to me. I don't see those movies. I'm too pretty" said Gina, holding out her hand.

"Okay. Well, not to worry. I've got the ring right here" Jake said. He reached into his jacket, and pulled out some mints. "Nope. Those are my mints. I eat mints. No big deal. Um... Uh-huh... I lost the ring."

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God" said Charles, panicking.

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