Chapter 10

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He folded the bright yellow spray jacket into a pillow and cuddled it, holding it close to his chest. It still smelled like you. Sakusa dug his hands through the pockets when he felt something sharp prick his finger. Quickly, he pulls out the mysterious object that turned out to be a piece of paper you had slipped in there before returning his jacket.

His lips stretch into a wide smile, staring at the picture of a baby penguin you drew with its wings curled into a shape of a heart above its head before opening the note.

"Dearest Omi-Kun,

I pray you find this note before you chuck this jacket into the washing machine, but thanks for carrying me to the infirmary today. You really didn't have to do all that yet you were kind enough to anyway and I am so thankful that I will always have such a reliable friend like you. I'm aware you may have been a little uncomfortable touching me since I literally fell on the ground, with all the dirt, and other yucky stuff, so sorry about that... I'll treat you to bubble tea next time we meet :)

But anyway, I just wanted you to know that I love having you around, I love being in your presence and I hope that you are willing to continue putting up with me and my shenanigans. This is sort of getting off topic but again, thank you very much for today :)

By the way, I really hope your back is doing okay, I'll pay for any medical bills, actually my mum will because I'm poor but you get the point :D

Love from,

L/N Y/N"

The ravenette rereads the note over and over again until he had basically memorised it. He rolled back on his bed, still looking at the note, giggling repeatedly.

"I love having you around." the words rattle inside his head. Does that mean Y/N loves me? Will she marry me? Are we going to spend the rest of our lives together? What should we name our kids?

The thought of it all had him smiling like an idiot.

"Kiyoomi, we're going to Motoya-Kun's house later to- What're you doing?" Sakusa's mother watches her son holding a slip of paper while tightly hugging his jacket.

Sakusa quickly snaps out of it and stares at his mother who was standing by the door.

"Nothing." He says while sneakily tucking the note behind him.

"Uh huh..." Sakusa's mother walks over to him and reaches for the jacket. "Why do you still have that? I thought it'd be in the washing machine by now."

The ravenette pulled away briskly while shaking his head violently, his mother handing him a befuddled look.

"What's up with you son? You're acting really weird today..." The woman sits on the side of his bed and rubs his shoulder, he shifts away uncomfortably. He better not be doing drugs at school...

"Mum I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

"You're not keeping secrets are you?"

"No, mum. Everything's okay."

"Kiyoomi-Kun, I love you, you know that? If there's anything bothering you, just tell me."

Sakusa looks into his mother's eyes but remains silent. I love you too, mum. But if I told you, you'd abandon me, I know you will.


"Anyway, I was going to say we're going to Motoya's house later to have dinner and talk, so get dressed quickly okay?"

Sakusa nods without saying anything. His mother gives him one last bemused glance before exiting his room. He exhales deeply, relief washing over him. He ambled over towards his desk and cautiously placed the note beside some of your pictures, Sakusa picked up a tube of lip gloss and applied some, recreating the feeling sensation from this morning, he felt face heating up from the memory of your touch. He pursed his lips before putting on a mask and heading downstairs.

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