Chapter 29

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"Darling! You're here!" Yui steps aside to let you in.

You smile meekly while taking your shoes off. "I really enjoyed the cake you made me last time, so I figured I'd bake you one in return." You handed her a box which she took with both hands.

"It's nowhere near as good as yours, but I tried..." you added quickly.

She hugged you and rubbed your back, "oh don't be silly, I know I'll love it!"

The woman then broke away, "Kiyoomi's in the kitchen by the way, he was just talking about you actually. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

You immediately shake your head, "thank you so much for the offer, but I can't. My mum told me to stay for an hour max."

Yui frowned, "an hour only? Lend me your phone, I'll speak to her."

"I- it's fine, really, I don't want to disrupt your family."

"Nonsense! You're welcome here anytime! Let me talk to your mum, I'll let her know you'll be staying for a while. You can head in first, I'm sure my son will be happy to see you."

Continuing to refuse would just make you look rude, so you dialled your mother's number and handed your phone to the woman.

While Yui was on the line, you made your way into the kitchen.

You nearly burst into fits of laughter at the sight.

Sakusa shot you a cold, hard glare.

You would be terrified by now if it weren't for the fact that he was wearing a pink hello kitty apron with matching pink gloves. He was stirring something in a big, floral patterned bowl with a pink spatula. There was no way you could take him seriously like this.

"What," he demanded.

You took a moment to make sure you didn't lose control. "Nothing Omi, you're looking real handsome by the way."

He rolled his eyes and continued stirring. "It's my mum's, no way in hell would I ever buy something as atrocious as this," he remarked, glimpsing down at the apron.

"Atrocious?" you quoted. "Excuse you, hello kitty is not atro-"

"Darling I've talked with your mum, you'll be here for the night." Yui appeared from around the corner and placed your phone on the kitchen bench.

"Hold on, wha-"

"Alright, thanks mum," Sakusa cuts in. 

"No problem! I'll be running a few errands, you two stay here alright?" She said her goodbyes and briskly walked to the door while giggling to herself. Is my hopeless son finally getting a girlfriend? Oh thank the lord! Turns out there's nothing I have to be worried about after all...

You turned to the boy, "I thought this was supposed to be a study session, not a sleepover."

He shrugged indifferently, "who cares, it's the weekend tomorrow anyway."

Eh, he's gotta point.

Unzipping your jacket, you peel it off and walk over to his side, "do these vegetables need to be sliced or diced?"

Sakusa contemplated for a second, "diced. It'll be mixed with the other ingredients."

Before you picked up the knife, you grabbed your phone and glanced at him, "let's play music. Cooking is more fun when there's music in the background."

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