Chapter 18

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"Motoya why are we here again?"

The brunette continues looking at the heart shaped chocolate boxes and responds.

"I'm trying to buy a gift for Aiko."

"Aiko? Since when did you get a girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend that's been helping me a lot with studies lately."

You rest your back against Sakusa's.

"Ugh, and then you're going to catch feelings and get rejected and then me and Omi will have to listen to you cry and rant for the next month."

"Y/N what the hell?" He looks away at the shelf and at you, who was still leaning on the ravenette wearing an amused expression.

"What? She's so pretty, you really think you can pull her?"

He was about to make a witty clap-back but the buzz of a mobile phone stopped him. He yanked the device from his pocket as his face lit up.

"Everyone shut up, it's Aiko." Komori holds the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

You wrap an arm around Sakusa and wrinkle your face at the caramel-haired boy in disgust.

"Ew." you hear the deep voice from beside.

"I know right? Let's get out of here, shall we go look for some hand sanitizers Omi? My friend Himari has the strawberry one and it smells really good."

Without another word, Sakusa turns to leave. You go after him, leaving a giggling mess of a brunette behind.


The both of you walk out of the cleaning supplies store. It was a bit more crowded than just half an hour before. Though you didn't care, you knew Sakusa did.

Looking at the boy to your right, you ask "You gonna be okay?"

He nods, but you notice his slight tremble.

"Alright, let's go."

You lead the way as he trails behind you, slightly cringing when he brushed shoulders with a stranger. Why're there so many damn people all of a sudden?

Sakusa gets lost in his pensiveness, thinking about how this place was probably invested with filthy bacteria. There could be millions, no, billions of microscopic germs crawling on his skin right now and he'd never know. He shudders. It's fine, I'll just take a shower when I get home. Plus, Y/N's here with me

He jerks his head up.

Wait, where's Y/N? I swear she was right in front of me just a second ago... oh shit

He turns around in a full circle, searching for any sign of you. There was none.

FUCK! Where is she?

Sakusa gulps, feeling a bit alarmed. Did the number of people just double?

"Sakusa... is that you?"

He whipped his head around, disheartened to see that it wasn't you standing before him. She walks over and rubs his arm lightly making him draw back with force.

"Y/N, I- I need Y/N."

He could not bring himself to focus on anything, completely missing the flash of annoyance on her face.

"Forget about her for now, I'll take you somewhere where you can cool down for a bit alright?"

Sakusa shook his head roughly. "No, Ichika. I need to see Y/N."

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