Chapter 11 - The Rich Girls

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"T-to companionship!"

"Companionship!" Mold and I roar after Jacy, and we clink our mugs together. Jacy and I chug the rest of our coffees in one go while maintaining fierce eye contact, and Mold feigns a sip before setting her nearly-full mug back down on the table.

"Not a big fan of the ol' bean juice, huh, Mold?" I ask, as I start clearing the table that she elected not to do earlier.

She huffs slightly at being called out; "It's sour, and the smell gets stuck in my nose. I don't like the way it makes me feel, either."

"Well, to each their own I suppose. I seriously don't think I could function without this stuff anymore. Man, I first got hooked on coffee when Mr. Argyros... oh my god I still need to call him."

I drop the dishes in the sink and start rummaging around the apartment in search of my phone. In the background Jacy asks Mold who Mr. Argyros is as I move my search to my room. I don't hear anything else so I assume that she shrugged, and shortly the two of them are standing in my doorway. My search turns up fruitless, and defeated, I flop onto my bed with a groan.

"It must have fallen out of my pocket at some point yesterday." I complain aloud.

"There sure were plenty of opportunities," Mold offers helpfully, "Why do you need it all of a sudden, though?"

"It's not all of a sudden, I could have made the call I needed to since you showed up, Mold. Unfortunately things have been a bit hectic these past couple of days, so it sort of slipped my mind." I flip over on the bed and rub my temples. It's way too early for this, coffee be damned. "Basically, a man named Mr. Argyros is my boss, and every year he puts together some crazy New Year's event without telling us. Usually it's a great deal of fun, but I'm his top employee and I usually have a big part in it. Obviously, this year I can't take part, so I need to let him know. Now more than ever, since it's happening tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Jacy asks; "Shouldn't a New Year's party be on the 31st?"

"Yeah!" Mold chimes in with a smile; "Besides, it doesn't matter anyway. I doubt he would, because you are his best employee, as you put so modestly, but if he does fire you it doesn't matter. Hate me for it, but I did in fact make you a multi-millionaire yesterday, Brady."

Jacy makes a sound like he was hit in the chest upon hearing my financial report, but I ignore him. "He always has the party on the 30th because people always have other plans on the night of the 31st. It's just business. And yes Mold, it... it does matter. I owe Mr. Argyros a great deal, and I can't just abandon him like that."

Mold squints at me, as if she's trying to decide if I'm serious or not. After she gets whatever answer she wanted she says; "Well, I guess we're in a bit of a bind then. Of course, you can get any new phone you want, but I'm sure that the stores are packed this time of year. Would it be better to just go tell this Argyros guy you can't go directly?"

"No, I'm sure he would manage to rope me in somehow. Besides, I'm just going to say that I'm sick. He's pretty finicky when it comes to stuff like that so it will be fine. And I don't need a whole new phone right now anyway, there's an old pay-phone in a convenience store I frequent."

"Well, that's settled then." Mold seems pleased with herself. Actually- that's not so different from how she normally seems. "Jacy, are you gonna come with?"

"Huh? I mean, yeah, of course! But Brady, if you lost your phone, do you even have money on you?"

"Unfortunately it seems like I lost my wallet as well. It's fine though, there was barely anything in it, and I have my spare..." I do not have my spare 20. I used it after the day at the library- "Ugh!"

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