Chapter 14 - On the Night Before New Year's Eve

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 When I wake up it's still dark out. I fumble at my bedside table, eventually finding my alarm clock and turning it towards me. The red numbers glare angrily at me in the dark, and I squint back at the unpleasant reading of 3:13 A.M. Throwing the clock away from me I try squirming around in my bed, but I can't find any sort of way to get comfortable.

"What's wrong, Brady?"

Týr leans against my doorway, his green eyes shining through the darkness and meeting mine.

"I'm worried about tomorrow. Well I guess it's today, actually."


"The man that saved me- well, how would you feel if someone you're deeply close to could have been keeping a big secret from you. Not even a secret that changes how you see them- or rather... The fact that they're keeping secrets at all is what would change how you see them. I guess."

"You guess, huh?"


"Well, Brady, I think that it would be a grave mistake to ask someone like me about the dealings between humans. If one exists as long as I do then basic things like morality become grayer and grayer. It could be said that I would rather my father tell me that he's always hated me than to continue to love me, simply because it would be something new, something different, something to shift the monotony."

"But you still have to have some sense of right and wrong, don't you?"

"Well, yes. I do rule over justice, though, so I would say that I'm a rare case. And it's not like us gods are constantly at war. We do have similar emotions, so in general we do like to be happy. It's just that... being unhappy isn't necessarily as much of a bad thing as it is to mortals."

"I don't really get it."

"That's alright. It comes with age. Now I think that you should be waking up soon. It seems as though your friend is having some trouble staying alert."

"Right now? But I want to talk to you more."

"There will be another time. But for right now you should go and consort with the living."

He raises his arm to me, his form fading away from my doorway as my eyes slide open. I grab my alarm clock from my bedside table and turn it towards me. The angry red letters read 3:13 A.M.


I groan and roll out of bed.

As I trudge out of my room I strip out of my clothes, and head into my bathroom where I wet a washcloth and wipe myself down. Can't be bothered to shower right now. Or rather, it would be rude to my guests to shower this early. Really, I'm being considerate.

I bump into something on my way back to my room, and it's only when I look down that I realize that I had stubbed my pinky toe, and all the pain rushes to my brain at once. I try to muffle my grunts as I put on a fresh pair of pajamas, but it seems as though I was unsuccessful as Jacy is soon at my door.

"Something w-wrong?" He lets out a big yawn after asking.

"I just- dammit! I just stubbed my toe. I'll be fine."

"Mmk. I'll go back on watch then."

"Wait-" I follow him back out to my living room. "-shouldn't she have taken over for you by now." I gesture at Mold, who is snoring loudly on my couch.

"Y-yeah, but I can't wake her no matter how hard I try." He slumps down at the end of the couch. A silver arrow appears in his palm, and he twirls it between his fingers like a baton.

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