Chapter 19 - And There He Stands; at the Top of the World, Alone

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 "Lay off already. I told you I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt."

"It doesn't hurt because you can't see it, Brady." Mold slices another strip off of her white jean pant legs. "It's lucky you're so thick skulled because I think that girl over there was trying to kill you with that bat to the head. I don't know much about that brain damage stuff, but I'd at least like to do everything in my power to make it so you don't, I don't know, bleed out of your head before we can finish this thing."

"Yeah, and I'm sure some of these wounds are from when you threw me into a wall earlier." I bat her hand away and finish knotting the makeshift bandage before covering it with my hat.

"Hahh... I'd prefer it if you wouldn't talk about that. It's embarrassing." She pulls her hair further down over her eye.

"Yeah, well, I'd like to know what kind of injury would compel you to act like that. And what was with that weird remedy?"

"Seriously, Brady. Stop. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"What, some crazy sci-fi future accident?"

"Sure... whatever."


Well that's certainly a new expression for her. All of the constant devilish grinning makes it kinda easy to forget that she has feelings, I guess. Alien or not.

"Um... I'm sorry." I scratch the back of my head, and then stop when I realize I probably shouldn't be doing that. "And thanks for lending me... your pants."

"It's fine. And it was your money anyway." She gives me a weak smile. "Can you let me sit in peace for a minute though. My head still kinda hurts."

"Yeah, sure."

I hold out my fist, and Mold presses hers into mine. I give her a smile back and then leave her to rest in the cushy lobby chairs. It seems like she's really gone through a lot.

Maybe I'll actually get to know her better once this is all over.

Mold rubs her head, and I take that as my cue to stop hovering around her. Not that there's really anywhere else I want to go. Ofelia has been watching us from across the room the entire time, wiggling back and forth in the receptionist's chair.

Fukuya's chair.

And there's that pulsing in my head again.

"Ofelia!" I walk over to her. Hopefully she can provide enough of a distraction until Mold is ready to go. I don't want to have to think about anything right now.

"What?" She stops spinning and barks back at me as I lean over the desk.

"We're going to be leaving soon. Mold is just recuperating for a bit and then we'll go."

"Oh is that her name? Huh. It's kind of weird, don't you think?"

"And you have the name of a Shakespeare character. Misspelled, might I add. At least her's is original."

"I suppose you wouldn't get it. You have a boy's name."

"You really can't say anything pleasant, can you?"

"It's my greatest strength." She pushes back in the chair and blows kisses at me. I ignore them and look out the window.

"Man, that really is freaky though."

"All the red? Yeah. You don't have any idea what it is either then?"

I shake my head. "Nope. The way that it... swallowed up the moon is really bothering me though. Like- yeah I get it, the whole thing is creepy, but that specifically keeps giving me chills. Like an omen or something."

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