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After a busy day of learning, the bell rings signaling the end of the day. You stay behind a bit to try and finish the worksheet so you don't have to add it to your mountain of homework you have to do tonight. After a few more minutes you finally finish and grab your bag to head home.

You're walking through the hall when you see Saiki turn round the corner quickly. You're about to wave hi but he puts a finger up to his mouth, signaling to keep quiet. Puzzled, you meet him halfway.

"What's wrong?" You ask softly. Before he has a chance to open his mouth you hear Nendo's obnoxiously loud voice.

"Saiki where are you? Come on pal let's hang out." Telling by Saiki's expression of annoyance, you figure out what Saiki is trying to do.

"You keep going, I can distract him." You say, moving past him and towards Nendo's voice. You hear Saiki say thanks but you don't have time to process the fact that he actually spoke before Nendo is right in front of you.

"Hey, Nendo!" You say loudly, hoping that signals to Saiki that he needs to get a move on.

"Oh hey L/n, have you seen Saiki? He was walking this way. Maybe you passed him?" Nendo asks. You put your hand under your chin and act like you're thinking. Humming a little to show that you're trying to remember to waste more time.

"Hmmm, I don't think I did. But you know what, I think he mentioned to me in class today that he had to return a book to the library so maybe he's there," you respond, surprisingly yourself at how easily you came up with a lie.

"That makes sense, I'll go there then," he says and tries to move around you to head towards the library.

"I'll come with you! But I think we should go this way." You tell him, pointing to the opposite direction of where you saw Saiki. "That way we avoid the traffic from the other students so it'll be quicker." Which technically would be true but since school has been over for a little while now, it won't really matter and in this direction, you avoid the main stairwell so that should help Saiki out as well, you think. At first, you were doing this to help Saiki, but now that you're following through, you smile to yourself. You feel like an undercover spy trying to distract the enemy. Even though it is deceiving to Nendo, it is kind of fun to mess with him, even if you have nothing to gain from it other than a small amount of satisfaction.

"Okay, that way we can try to catch him before he leaves," Nendo says and follows you in your proposed direction to the library.

"Perfect idea! Let's go!" You agree as you both walk away, hoping that you gave Saiki a decent head start. Little did you know, Saiki heard the whole exchange. He was originally going to try to find a safe spot to teleport home from Nendo but when he ran into you he decided to see how things played out and it was quite amusing. He smiled a little and teleported home, appreciating your efforts, even if they were unnecessary.


Hi! Author here! I know this chapter is really short but it mostly is to show Saiki's changing opinion of y/n. This is the last chapter that will be under 1000 words and some of the future chapters are LONG so enjoy! 

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