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The bell finally rings, signaling the end of the school day. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, Tuesdays seem to drag on forever! Having completed a math test earlier in the day to then come back after lunch to write a timed essay, I think it's safe to say that I am very grateful to be done. So with a sigh, I pack up my things. As I am about to head out the door with Ku, the teacher reminds me that today is my day to clean up the classroom.

"Ugh dangit," I groan. I turn to Kusuo, and he shrugs, the gesture showing he'll be zero help. I know he can't do anything, and I usually wouldn't have an issue with cleaning, but today, my other partner is none other than the Queen Bitch herself... Teruhashi. "This'll only take a few minutes so I can meet you downstairs."

Kusuo nods, 'Okay, good luck.'

I send him a playful glare, and before I turn back into the classroom, I sigh again. I'll just try my best to ignore her, and everything will be fine, and besides, if she starts to get on my nerves, I'll threaten to beat her up.

"It shouldn't take you girls too long, so see you tomorrow." The teacher says as they walk out the door.

"Have a good night!" Teruhashi exclaims at their retreating figure, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. It's silent in the room, but I could care less. The sooner I'm done, the better. I wipe down the chalkboard as Teruhashi wipes down the desks. After this, I'll put away the supplies, sweep the floor, and then we should be good to go.

"I can't believe Saiki is dating someone like you."

My hand stops moving the eraser; who the hell does this girl think she is? Like, get over it already, he doesn't like you.

"I also can't believe that you even have any friends. You're so weird," she says. I feel her eyes stare at the back of my head. I know she wants a reaction, so I continue to ignore her. "It's kinda funny actually, Mera and Yumehara didn't want you to feel left out on your first day, but I know they didn't expect you to cling to them as you did. It's so embarrassing."

She's lying.

"You should see their faces every day before you'd sit down at lunch. They're miserable."

I continue moving the eraser across the surface and quickly finish up. I set the wiper down and turn to her with a quizzical expression. "Were you saying something?"

She crosses her arms and glares, "It's true; they think you're so annoying and weird. They told me."

I cringe at the sentence. It's crazy how she thinks stuff like that is gonna get to me. I know Chisato and Chiyo care about me. We're great friends. Hell, the fact that Teruhashi calls them by their last names is all I need to know about their 'friendship.' Also, how can someone like Teruhashi be a real person? We're in high school. The fact that she still tries to say dumb shit to me tells of how childish and jealous she is.

"What are you talking about again?" I say as I walk past her. I stop at the supply counter and start to put them away. I start organizing them, and she follows me.

"I know you hear me. You think you're so tough, but in reality, you are just a fat and ugly loser. No one actually likes you. Saiki only dates you because you're a whore. You probably give him whatever he wants. I mean, come on, after the whole Saiko thing, it was so obvious. Someone like Saiko could never like you too, so you must be good at giving a hand since that'd be the only explanation for why any guy would find you attractive."

My blood boils as I try to stay focused on setting all the pencils and papers in the right spots. I clench my jaw and grind my teeth together to stop myself from doing anything irrational. She wants me to flip out at her. She wants me to yell and give her the satisfaction of getting under my skin. I take a deep breath and move away from the now organized supplies to grab the broom.

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