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Disclaimer TW: the events about to transpire may be triggering to some. This chapter contains attempted sexual assault. So if you don't feel comfortable, then I recommend you should skip ahead. 


Your POV

"Y/n, can you get the cakes out of the oven."

"Yeah, sure!" I brush off my skirt and put on the oven mitts. I take the 5 large pans out of the oven and put them in the cooling rack. Once that's done, I look out at the tables to see only a few customers.

It's a pretty slow afternoon at the café which is actually surprising since it's a nice day. Even though it rained last night, the air is comfortable and personally, I think it's a perfect day for a warm cup of coffee. Even though I'm thankful for a quiet morning, the tips won't be as considerable as normal. I hear the bell ring, signaling a new customer, and look up to see Kusuo looking a lot more alert than when he did a few days ago.

"Hey," I say walking over to him, "wanna go sit in the back?" He nods his head and I lead him to his usual table.

"You're looking a lot better," I comment while pouring him a glass of water. "Let me go grab the coffee jelly for you."

'Don't forget the whipped cream.' Kusuo telepathically calls out as I walk back towards the kitchen.

"I would never," I say to myself, knowing that he heard while rolling my eyes. He started to talk to me using telepathy because he claims it's easier that way. Apparently, that's what he usually does when his friends talk to him and for some reason I never noticed. I always thought he just ignored them. At first, it was really weird to hear his voice but not see his mouth move but it was also really fun to be so secretive. It's come in handy so far when I needed his help in a history pop quiz. I got stuck on this one question so I reached my leg back and nudged his desk. I then moved my hand down to the ground, after making sure that the teacher wasn't looking and I gestured my fingers to make a 2 and a 3. After a second, I hear his voice ring in my head. 

'23 is B, I can't believe you're using me to cheat.'  His sarcastic tone is present in my head and I resist the urge to flip him off. I shrug my shoulders and bubble in the question. He can hear anyone's thoughts all the time so he definitely cheats too, so much for the pot calling the kettle black. 

As I walk down the hall towards the kitchen, a hand suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me backward so I crash into a chest. I look up to see the perpetrator and I'm met with the eyes of Saiko, the rich pig.

"Y/n," he says coolly, "funny seeing you here." I don't like how he says my name and acts like we're close. A chill runs up my spine as his hand secures itself around my waist. 

"yeah...I work here," I say as I try to take my hand back but Saiko tightens his grip. I manage to push against his chest so his other hand falls back to his side, at least creating some distance. I hope that someone else walks down this hallway to intervene but no one seems to be around. 

"I like the uniform," he says, looking me up and down and I feel my stomach drop. Before I can give him a piece of my mind he continues, "I don't like that you've been avoiding me."

"Avoiding you?" I say, trying to keep my voice even. "I'm not avoiding you."

Saiko's grip on my wrist tightens even more and he leans in close to my face. "You sure about that? I hardly see you around the school and when I've requested for your company you don't show."

His hold on my arm is painful now but I try my best to externally appear calm. Something about this situation feels off and I need to get away from him as soon as possible. I knew Saiko was deranged from being babied his whole life but this is something on a whole different level. He's making me feel unsafe. 

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