Chapter 2: Memory Of a Lifetime II

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I probably should explain a few things before you continue reading. There will be a lot of reminiscing in the first several chapters. Zhang Rishan will be remembering Zhang Qi Ling's past with Wu Xie. Before each time switch, I'll put the date so no one get confused. I hate writing flash back so each chapter with the same title will start with an introductory present lifetime and then move to a past life time with each chapter or so and focusing on a different life until I work up to the present where the bulk of the story will take place.

All right, on with the story...

My Impression


December 3, 1064

"Why are we here? These lands are filled with the superstitious. It will be hard to find refuge from the religious fanatic, should they come after us." Zhang Qi Ling wrinkled his nose at the smell of animal droppings and unclean bodies. Humans were such disgusting creatures. They feared bathing too often would make them sick when it was just the opposite.

Mongolia was cold this time of year. Snow made the ground wet and muddy. Zhang Qi Ling's boots sank slightly into the black mud as he kept pace with his cousin. They approached the weapons smith and entered the building. The interior was warm from the fires used to heat the forge but the shop was empty and Zhang Qi Ling wondered what was here that his cousin was so interested in.

"Can I help you?"

Zhang Qi Ling turned and saw perhaps the most intriguing creature he'd ever seen. Not too tall with broad shoulder that tapered to a slender waist and long strong legs, the young man before them was stunning image of virility. Zhang Qi Ling was at a loss for words and Zhang Rishan turned laughing eyes on his cousin before addressing the young man.

"I ordered a sword created from your Uncle Three. I would like to have it" Zhang Rishan's bored voice didn't seem to faze the young man as he grinned.

"I know which you speak of." He said cheerfully before exiting towards the back.

"You ordered a sword? You came all the way to Mongolia for a sword? You dragged me all the way to Mongolia for a sword? Are you making fun of me?" Zhang Qi Ling whispered darkly to his cousin who only smiled.

"Your point?" The gleam in Zhang Rishan's eyes told Zhang Qi Ling he should just drop the discussion because he would never win.

"All right, tell me why you expressly wanted a Mongol's blade? You don't even like broadswords." Zhang Qi Ling said while crossing his arms.

"I'm surprised that you can't smell it in the air. This country is going to war soon and I would wager this exceptional blacksmith is more than likely going to be forced to join the Mongol's Khan in his lust for China's land. I wanted a sword from him before he is lost to the war." Zhang Rishan ran his finger across the edge of a displayed blade and stared at the single drop of blood that trickled down the cold steel before it was absorbed into the metal.

"Whoever buys that blade will be lucky... I guess." Zhang Qi Ling whispered.

"So they will." Zhang Rishan turned to smile at his cousin and moved his gaze to the doorway as two men stepped into the room, the younger holding a rather stunning blade. He hid a smile behind a cough when he saw Zhang Qi Ling's entire focus was on the young man holding the sharpened metal. Stepping forward, Zhang Rishan took the offered blade and examined the craftsmanship. It was exceptional but he'd expected no less from this man.

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