Chapter 3: Memory Of a Lifetime III

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Feed Me


The moment the sun dipped below the horizon Zhang Rishan's eyes shot open and he sighed. His body felt weaker than it should have and the smell of the humans moving about in the inn brought a low growl to his lips. He and Zhang Qi Ling had been living on livestock and wild beasts for the duration of their time out of their homeland. It was beginning to take its toll.

Zhang Qi Ling was beside his bed and Zhang Rishan frowned up at his younger cousin. "Knocking would have been polite, Xiao ge."

"I need human blood tonight... I'm almost to the point of wanting to drain this entire inn..." Zhang Qi Ling whispered solemnly.

Zhang Qi Ling's entire body was quivering and his skin held much more pallor than it should. His teeth were permanently extended and it was obvious that he was not pleased with his body's natural response to the smell of fresh prey. Zhang Qi Ling would need human tonight. He wasn't as old as Zhang Rishan and the bloodlust was a bit harder to bear.

"Come." Zhang Rishan was on his feet and the two were bounded out of the single window of the room. Using their powers to cloak their presence, the two nightwalkers scanned the area. A small cry reached their powerful ears and the smell of lust and fear reached their noses.

Stepping so lightly that neither created footprints, they watched as a scruffy man rutted on the body of an unwilling woman. So focused on his own pleasure, he didn't realized the two creature behind him. Tears tracked down the woman's face and the abject pain in her eyes set Zhang Rishan off.

In a moments notice, he was prying the dirty man from the woman's body and slinging him against the stonewall that had been his cover. "And they call us monsters." Snarled Zhang Rishan as he stroked the woman's hair. Her clothes denoted her as a peasant, possible a shop girl or maid on her way home from her employment. Shock was beginning to set in and her body shuddered in the aftershocks of traumatic experience.

Zhang Qi Ling grabbed the old man's shoulder then-suddenly invaded the rapist mind, drawing every memory from him. He felt the pleasure of the man. He felt how it was more the subjugating a woman than the actual act that he drew the most pleasure from. Zhang Qi Ling was disgusted and withdrew immediately before the thoughts could taint him with their madness. "He's a stranger to these parts. He never stays in one place long to keep from being killed by the families of the women he rapes. He's no body. Shall I dispose him?"

Zhang Rishan allowed his eyes to bleed red at the words and snarled, revealing pristine white fangs. "Do what you will to him, Xiao ge. I'll care for the woman."

Zhang Qi Ling stayed quiet and turned his now red eyes to the man that quivered in his grasp. "I'm sorry... but I'm going to drain you."

Zhang Qi Ling buried his teeth in the old man's neck and began to pull hard sucks—the warm liquid that rushed across his tongue tasted metallic and its smooth texture coasted down his throat satisfied his hunger. Slowly color began to return to his cheeks while the color faded from his victim.

Zhang Rishan watched for a moment before turning his eyes to the pitiful girl. Her eyes were blank and as he touched her mind, he was scalded by the abject fear and pain that radiated from her very core. Stroking her cheek, Zhang Rishan brought his lips to her limp wrist. While Zhang Qi Ling's feeding was vicious and brutal, Zhang Rishan slipped his teeth in her wrist with utmost care.

Drawing gently on her life force, he pressed his mind into hers forcing the memories of the entire night into a quiet corner of her mind and there he locked them. Her shivering stopped and another moan escaped, this time of pleasure. Smirking, he drew even harder of her blood and allowed her to relish in the feel of the experience. It wasn't really sexual desire but something more that could never be fully described. It was the feeling, almost similar to sharing of a soul.

Zhang Qi Ling's victim was locked in terror. The old man was experiencing every thing he had ever done to the young woman. Gone was the feeling of power and he was left feeling brutalized and terrified. Zhang Qi Ling snarled a little and sucked harder. He felt the man's heart rate begin to stutter and understood the meaning. It would be over soon. He had now reached the point of no return when suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Zhang Qi Ling lifted his blood-coated face and snarled at his cousin.

"Don't take that tone with me. Clean yourself up and take the girl home. I've erased her memories. She will sleep until dawn." Zhang Rishan held his eyes to Zhang Qi Ling in his piercing gaze. "I'll finish this."

Zhang Qi Ling seemed to snap out of his bloodlust and dropped the man like a rag doll. He'd never killed while feeding and he was surprised at how easy it was. Zhang Rishan had always been at his side while he fed, teaching him how to control the bloodlust and when to stop. He taught him how to make it pleasurable and how to make it painful. He stepped away from the whimpering mass of human being and scooped up the girl before disappearing in a flicker of black.

Zhang Rishan was left staring at the pitiful excuse for a man. Blood trickled down a grimy and sweat stained neck. Fear was rampant in the old man's eyes as Zhang Rishan crouched down so that his whispered words could be heard. "Unlike my cousin, the suffering I will inflict on you will drive you mad before your last breathe. You should be honored, human. You are looking at an Emperor."

A tortured scream was caught in the man's throat as his eyes went wide at the images that he saw and experienced. Horror did not begin to describe the pain he felt. When death came on black wings, he sent up a prayer of thanks that the seemingly lifetime of suffering was at its end and went limp in Zhang Rishan's hands.

Dropping the old man, Zhang Rishan tilted his head back at the feeling of absolute power that engulfed him. It was the most potent thing for one such as him to experience and it was something that he'd tried to keep Zhang Qi Ling from feeling. To control this overwhelming seduction was more difficult than even the most rampant blood craving.

Zhang Rishan trembled as he stood. Face impassive, he lifted the body and took it several miles from town. Calling for the animal scavengers of the forest, he left the body in a secluded area to be devoured and returned to his room at the inn where Zhang Qi Ling was waiting.

"Thank you, Rishan." Said Zhang Qi Ling as Zhang Rishan flickered into the room.

"You aren't ready. Tasting such power is not a curse I would inflict on anyone. I will allow you to keep that part of yourself untouched as long as possible." Zhang Rishan shed his bloodied clothing and tossing it in the fireplace. Disposing of bodies was such messy work.

Glancing at his cousin, he smiled at the color that was once again gracing his cheek. The fire crackled as the clothes were destroyed and Zhang Rishan settled himself before it. Zhang Qi Ling joined him in the adjoining chair. Zhang Rishan spoke of returning home. The small town at the base of their mountain was very understanding of them. The villagers practically worshipped the two nightwalkers. To be bitten by them was to be blessed. In their home, they were safe from the rabid mobs that Christianity had created.

 In their home, they were safe from the rabid mobs that Christianity had created

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To be continued...

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