Chapter 4: Memory Of a Lifetime IV

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Audio titled: IT'S YOU

Advice: Listen to the music at the end of the story.

Feed On You


Dawn came and Zhang Rishan settled in the warm bed while Zhang Qi Ling walked out of the door. "I hope this wouldn't be a bad idea." He murmured.

"You have two weeks to find out. I suggest you go. I'm leaving in fortnight." Zhang Rishan said before closing his eyes.

Zhang Qi Ling exited and winced at the trickle of light that burst over the horizon. Already he was beginning to feel the sluggishness that sun brought. Walking down the street that was just beginning to awaken for the day, Zhang Qi Ling turned down the lane that led to his destination.

"Good morning." Said the dark brown haired young man. The smile spread across his face and Zhang Qi Ling was entranced once again. He looks to be about eighteen or so but held the innate youthfulness of a child. His face was clean-shaven, and his eyes were bright.

"Good morning." Zhang Qi Ling tried to hide his accent as Zhang Rishan did but he knew it came out.

"I figured I would show you how to hold a sword today. Though, maybe I should ask you how much you know about swordsmanship. You must have had some teaching being noble and all." Wu Xie scratched his cheek and looked questioningly at Zhang Qi Ling.

"Hm.. I don't know, maybe we spar and see what the result is..." Zhang Qi Ling picked up the practice blade and swung it a few times to adjust his body to the feel of its weight in his hand.

"All right..." Wu Xie agreed hesitantly.

Zhang Qi Ling tossed his cloak over the fence and popped the bones in his neck before facing Wu Xie.

Zhang Qi Ling had to give him credit, he looked unsure. Whether it was because he was afraid of hurting him, Zhang Qi Ling didn't know. He watched with curiosity as Wu Xie picked up the other practice blade and face Zhang Qi Ling.

Wu Xie lunged and the spar began. For the next two hours the two clashed swords in the back of the weapon smith. Passerby stopped to watch the show. Both men were covered in sweat and dirt. Wu Xie had long since discarded his shirt while Zhang Qi Ling own cloth was plastered to his body. Despite the coldness of December day, sweat and heat dripped from both and soon there was a crowd watching and cheering them on.

Zhang Qi Ling knew that had the sun not been out, it would have been harder to hide his natural advantage but the heat of the sun weakened him enough to allow him to give more to the fight instead of holding back. Wu Xie was a natural and he moved with such grace that there were a few times that Zhang Qi Ling was nearly beaten by him. As it was, Zhang Qi Ling kept them at a stalemate and allowed Wu Xie to wear himself out in the mock battle.

A few solders also stopped to watch the battle and they whispered amongst themselves. The foreigner was out of their grasp but the dark brown haired young man would be perfect for the army when the General decided to invade China. The three left to tell their superior officer of their findings.

"Give up, Xiao ge!" Wu Xie smirked as he retaliated with a blow that Zhang Qi Ling barely dodged.

"..." Zhang Qi Ling didn't respond but instead doubled his efforts and drove Wu Xie backwards, causing him to trip over a woodpile and crash to the ground. When he regained his equilibrium, he found the tip of Zhang Qi Ling's blade pointed at his throat. "I win."

Wu Xie was shocked was an understatement. He glanced towards the cheering crowd and pulled himself to his feet, dusting the mud and grime from his pants with a pout.

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