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Jake finished the cookies he was baking.

He placed it in the front shelf where customers can see the displayed pastries.

"Hyung, I'll be going now." He took off his apron and washed his hands.

"To where?" Seokjin asked, writing something on his notepad.

"Um, somewhere."

"Somewhere where?" The older stopped writing and looked at Jake.

"Just- meeting someone." Jake reasoned out.

"Who is someone?" Seokjin tilted his head more, looking teasingly at the younger.

"Just a friend."

"Wow, Sunghoon got friend-zoned." Seokjin formed an 'o' in his mouth and looked back down on his pad.


"Shall be going now? Yeah you should be."

"Yeah." Jake pointed at the door and gawkishly walked out.

He walked down the street. Thankfully, Sunghoon's house was just a few blocks away. Not too far from the bakery.

Whilst walking, a tall figure appeared walking alongside with him.

Jake didn't even look up, he knew who he was walking with.

"Where you going at hyung?" Jake started.

"Going on a date with my boyfriend. What about you?"

"Going to talk to someone down the street."

"Hm, you always refer to Sunghoon as someone." The tall one said placing his hand on Jake's shoulder.

"You'd tease me for it." The younger pouted.

"We'd actually tease you for your cowardness. You should show him that you have a crush on him."

"Eh?" Jake looked up, looking ridiculed.

"You know, making the first move." The older stated like it was something very obvious.

"No. I don't like doing the first move hyung."

The older laughed. "Oh my Jakey is a coward."

Jake also laughed at the nicknname. "Hyung what's with the nickname?"

"It's cute isn't it?"

"It's cringey."

"Hm? I give the most beautiful and cute nicknames in the world!"

They continued joking around, unaware of a pair of eyes watching them.

After some time, Sunghoon decided to approach Jake and apologized.

He couldn't help but miss going out with Jake so he manned up and thought of apologizing to Jake first.

Having his coat and shoes on, he went out.

The street he was walking on was very quiet so he had time to ponder.

Sunghoon grew up getting forced with everything he does.

Sure he has passion for ice skating but he still felt forced for it.

He wanted to live his life with his own choices not by the elderlies' judgements.

He was tired of getting commanded and his every move getting judged.

He talked his thoughts out to his parents causing them to argue.

He had enough and left the house, holding a grudge to his parents.

All he wanted was the freedom every one should have.

Growing up, he had the thought that everyone should have the rights to express their opinion freely without being forced no matter how old or young they are.

That might be the reason why he shouted at Heeseung.

He always have thought that he has the rights but he forgot what respect is.

He was too angry at his parents by ruining his childhood that he held a grudge to everyone older than him.

All he wanted to do was to express what he feels but the result just ruined all of them.

He realized that he shouldn't just apologize to Jake but to everyone who was affected.

His train of thoughts were interrupted when he heard a very familiar laugh.

Looking at the other side of the street, there he saw Jake laughing with someone.

They seemed to be enjoying each other's presence too much that caused something to boil in Sunghoon.

The taller person was putting his hands on his Jake's shoulders.

He might have heard the nickname that made him more furious.

Only him should be calling Jake like that.

He knew he was acting very possesive and childish but hearing the nickname from some other person's mouth was just absurd to him.

Before he could even snap the neck of the person with Jake, he just walked out of the opposite direction.

The sun's about to go down so he thought of a perfect place to rewind at the moment.

On the other hand, Jake was just finished talking to the older.

"Bye, Soobin-hyung."


They parted ways.

Jake was already at Sunghoon's door. He was knocking but no one was answering.

"Sunghoon?" He called out, the house remained silent.

He knocked and knocked but to the same result, no one opened the door.

He was losing patience. Maybe Sunghoon went out, he thought.

Knocking for the last time, he just walked out disappointed.

A SECOND CHANCE|JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now