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We were called for dinner, and I changed my clothes with the candidate's uniform before going out of this room.

Just imagine the Prince's power, everything in here is very luxurious. As I was walking towards the hall where the dinner will be held, I saw a very familiar person.

"Dahyun?" I called her and when she turned around, it's really her. Her eyes widened then she run towards me.

"Jennie! Oh my god!" she said and we hugged. I cannot forget on how he helped me with Lia.

"I can't believe we would meet here" I said very amused. At least I'll have someone I know that I could talk to.

"Me too, who chose you?" she asked me still smiling.

"Sir Michael Hwang, Oh my god! I'm so glad you're here Dahyun" I thought I would spend my time here suffering, but now that Dahyun is here I felt relieved.

I didn't asked her what is she doing or how did she end up here because we all know why we are here. Now I'm much confident that I would exit this selection soon.

I can't wait to go home.

"Choose your seat ladies, the dinner will start in a minute" Dahyun didn't let go of my hand and pulled me gently to sit beside her.

The hall is so quiet and we have to be always on a good posture, every time someone would slouch, a woman dress in a maid's uniform will poke your back with a large wood.

We were eating silently and even if I want to have a chit-chat with my friend, we can't. I don't want to mess this up, I'm not going to disappoint sir Michael.

After the dinner a group of girls also dressed in their maid's uniform bringing a white mask.

What is this?

They stood behind each of us then someone walk over in front of us. Why is she here?

"Listen ladies. You can't removed the mask aside from eating and taking bath. During your free time, if you'll roam around the palace you have to always wear it" she said and here I am very confused.

She stays in the palace?

Then the ladies moved and put the mask on our faces, just right after the mask covered my face, Momo turned at my direction.

"Early tomorrow will be the cook test, hope you all will sleep well because the LM is such a picky eater. Good night everyone" she said and exited the area.

Everything here is amusing and weird at the same time. Like this, why do we have to put the mask on? But I shrugged those thoughts because the question of why Momo is here is still bugging me.

Now I don't know who am I sharing a room with, I haven't met her earlier since I arrived late.

"Jennie, where is your chamber?" Dahyun is walking beside me now.

"2A, how 'bout you?" she jumps a little and smiled widely.

"Jennie, we're roommates!" she squealed that made me smile also.

My Prince is A WomanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora