Part 16

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The song above isn't mine...I found it and thought it was so relatable- same with u? 😊
Sorry for uploading late
Last time I left you on a cliffhanger- kinda-   sooo let's see what happens?...

Peter P.O.V

I crawled towards my usual entrance. The room wasn't used that much but a kitten named Mia always sleeps there- well mainly. Mia also uses it as where she plays with me while I'm around.

I peeked in to see if anyone was there. And surprisingly there was someone who had a blanket wrapped around their shoulders. I looked closer and turns out it's a he. 'I've never seen him before?' I thought.

I didn't want to scare him so I stayed hidden. I gazed at what he was doing.
The lights were turned off inside but on the outside, the vibrant colours shining and the stars in the sky surrounding the full moon, gave off enough light to shine onto his face.
He was pale and his eyes were dead- no colour left. Tears fell slowly from his eyes and ran down his cheeks. The man didn't bother wiping them away but only gripped onto the blanket. Blue crept across his face then retreated and his pale colour came back.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong...although that would scare him.
But first of all who is he?
Is he a friend of Mr Stark?

I pulled off my mask only so then you can see my face but it stayed on my head in case I need to pull it down. I slightly pushed a window open and hopped in.

Um, but the person saw that and stood up rather quickly - which caused him to wobble. Then his face returned to full colour and he looked as healthy as ever. His tears vanished as if it never happened. So I was imagining it, good. I smiled brightly and asked, "Sir, are you a friend of Mr Stark?"

The man only frowned and said, "I'm Loki. Don't you mortals know anything."

Woah, whoa, whoa, hold up. He's Loki? As in, the one and only Loki! Apparently, I said that out loud and Loki looked as confused as ever.
I tried to fix the weird fanboy burst by saying something like:
Oh aren't you that villain that destroyed most of this city and wanted to take over with monsters...

But all that came out was me being stoopid and saying:
I've always wanted to meet you and now I do! Oh wait, aren't you a prince?

Then I frantically bowed down and then stood back to my original position.
I got carried away by talking about Loki and asking him a bunch of questions but then before he answered them I would talk answering them myself.

Oh no, my manners!
If Aunt May found out about me being this rude, she'd kill me. Then bring my soul back to life...then kill me again.
Abruptly, I stopped rambling and apologised, "Sorry, Mr-Loki-sir."

Loki P.O.V

The child that jumped into the room suddenly started talking and everything happened so fast...I barely had time to cover myself in a spell.
It's the hologram one that covers up anything on me and replaces it with a smooth finish.
Mother taught me that one and she would say that it works like a charm- unless someone or something comes close.

Back to the point, a person around the age of 16(?) in mortal year's fell into the room and started talking as if I were his idle. Then he bowed down saying I was a prince...
Weird, I haven't got that response from a mortal before. But then again, I haven't seen this mortal when I invaded sooo this is a change. Is he a new member to the team? The oaf did mention another 'Avenger' joining the heroes he- no. This child is too young or has Anthony lost his mind.

"Who are you?" If can get enough information (about the way this tower works and the Avengers) out of him then I can get out of this hell.
The child looked like he's just seen a ghost and paled. "I'm Spiderman- but you can call me Peter..." then after suddenly realising what he said, he put a hand over his mouth and mumbled to himself.

I couldn't hear quite well so just ignored it.

The door opened slightly and a small figure came in...

Mia P.O.V

"Sir, Peter has arrived, " FRIDAY alerted Tony and, to my surprise, he smiled and asked if FRIDAY could tell Peter to come.
On the other hand, when I heard Peter was here, I leapt out of Tony's lap and ran upstairs.
Peter always comes into the same room so I knew where I was going.

I pushed the door open- slightly- and stepped in. Although, I wished that I didn't because as soon as I did, I saw Loki. That annoying, backstabbing, little-
"Mia!" Peter cut my thoughts short and walked towards me. He picked me up and hugged me... I liked it- just a little though so that doesn't mean other humans can do it cause I won't allow it.

"I missed you. How are you doing?" Peter held me close to him, his suit wasn't the most comforting but I missed him too nonetheless. Peter was my most favourite human, tasha as well, he bought me treats then and again and he actually notices me.
Talking about food, my tummy rumbled and Peter must of heard or something so he took of his back pack, put it down, sat down too and put me- curled up- on his lap.

"I bought you some food, and I thought I should get you a different thing today, " saying this, he unzipped his bag and pulled out a packet. Peter opened it and the smell hit me. It smelled delicious- hope it tastes like that too.
He grabbed one and gave it to me.

The taste was amazing- I admit - I meowed and if I could smile I would've.

Third P.O.V

Mia totally forgot about Loki, who stood awkwardly in the background.
Peter smiled when he saw Mia loved the food he got so he slung his bag over his shoulder, holding Mia and the food, and decided to go help Mr Stark with his work.

I'm sorry for not updating regularly.
Words: 1070
Thx for reading and bye!

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