Part 18

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I haven't been uploading lately and this has gotten quite busy with views
(Ps... thx for the votes and everything)
So I decided to upload for New Year's sake...😳
Here we go.

Peter P.O.V

Time itself stopped when Mr Prince Loki's mask dropped. I saw it - clearly- but I was definitely doubting myself. It can't be can it.

Mr Loki sir is lying.

I mean, that whole sentence can change so much. Like, if 'yes' then that means something big happened between the fight and now. But if 'no' then I could possibly be jumping to false theories that are based of hunches.
What did that guy from London always say, 'base theories from facts and not to bend facts to suit theories??' I don't know...but I can ask Karen right.

Yeah, so know all I need to do is go back to searching New York for any trouble and along the way I'll figure things out. Yup, that sounds about right.

"Wow, aren't I very clumsy today, hehe," I laughed trying to ease the increasing tension in the room. Although that just caused Loki to raise his suspicion in me, I waved my hand and said more apologies- suddenly remembering what Aunt May always says about me saying sorry and whatnot.

Slowly making my way around the room, I got to the windows and lifted my mask so you could only see my lower face and I gave Mr Loki sir a smile.

Hopefully that'll make him a bit happier- I think.

Of course he didn't return it but MJ didn't too sometimes, although she is my friend, right. I'm also sure that I can see a small little twinkle in his eye too, which means that- I'm losing focus. "Goodbye and good night, Mr Loki sir." I stated before I left.

I shouldn't have said Good night. Mr Loki sir probably doesn't even need sleep because he's a God and a prince. What if he thinks that I'm telling him to go to sleep and that I look down on him and now he probably hates me and he doesn't want to talk to me ever again and thinks that-
"Peter, I think you should stop worrying about Mr Odinson and maybe go home."

"Ok, I'll go home after I do some work, yeah?"
"Yeah, sure."

Time skip brought to by Storytime

I sat on the edge of the nearest building I could get to and lifted my lower mask up so I could breathe. It wasn't like I couldn't with my mask on but it definitely felt better.
"Peter, won't you go home? I thought you would now."

I chuckled to myself. Karen was always worried about me and I really appreciate it but,"I'll be fine but can you help me figure out something?" Her silence was enough to  answer my question. "Did you catch it on camera?" She knows what I was talking about and luckily I installed a camera for all types of purposes.

"Yes, would you like to take a look?"

I nodded and a file appeared in front of me. Pressing play, I ignored everything around me and put all of my focus on the video.

Yes this was very short and I apologise but I forgot all my intentions for the book so now I'm a bit clueless 🙃🤓🤓
Thanks for reading though- I really appreciate it!!!

- Storytime

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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