Part 6

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Thx for reading! I appreciate it- like a lot.😊

Loki P.O.V

Clint left. I turned my attention to the 'kitten' as the voice from the walls put it. It was curled up and obviously hurt. Then it slowly got up and limped towards me but at halfway- to reach me- it dropped on the floor.

Is it okay?

I pulled myself up using the wall for support and walked to her. My body trembled but I soon got there. Sitting down, I grabbed the small figure and placed it gently on my lap. She had a minor gash over her chest. Her body lay still and a quiet heartbeat can be heard.

Hmm, I still have my magic.

Making my mind up, I gathered all my strength and started to chant. It only uses a small amount, which gives a great outcome on little bruises, gashes, cuts and those sort of things. On bigger problems mo- Frigga taught me a different spell, which stops time inside the person and mends the troubles before they die.

The green-coloured magic surrounded the cut in a ring shape. It circled her and the kitten went of my lap. She began to float in the air and the magic started to fix the slash. The room brightened and was filled with a magical green. Soon she landed back into my grasp, safe.

Pain shot up my hands and went up to my arm. My breathing stopped and my head throbbed with trauma. It was as if my head was a drum and it was getting banged by the green monster or you might know it as the Hulk. My feet suddenly felt like I was walking on needles and my chest somehow felt like I was getting squished.

The room started to look small and my vision blurred. I couldn't move my hands nor my feet or legs.

Mia P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open. I was held by warm, soft hands and I felt safe. My paw ran over the place Clint kicked me and it was healed. Looking over at Loki, he was stiff and then suddenly the warmth from his hands slowly faded.

His face was pale and his eyes were wide. He looked almost...sick? He fell backwards and laid still. Is this normal for him? I looked around hastily the room to find something to help him and my eyes were drawn towards the blanket. Hmm, maybe he's cold.

Running to the green blanket, I bounced on the bed, bit into the sheet and dragged it to the unconscious Loki. By the time I got there, he was sleeping. I carried on to drag it all the way to his boots and I spread it over his legs. Then I stretched it so it could reach his neck. Loki moved into a more satisfied position in his sleep.

I jumped on top of him then decided that it would be better to sleep on the floor- next to Loki. I curled into a ball and nestled my head on the side of  Loki. Then the unexpected happened, Loki wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to him. My nose was not used to this kind of smell yet it was still wonderful. That's when I realised how tired I was. Soon, I dozed of- knowing that I was in a warm, safe and comfortable shawl.

Clint P.O.V

Smirking as I walked into the lift, my mind went back to what happened. Wait. Did I kick Mia? Ha, she deserves it for defending that monster. Urgh, I still can't believe Tony lets him here after all he did?

Ding! The elevator doors slid open and all the rest were sitting, watching a movie. They paused it at the sound of me entering, "How'd it go? Did he listen?" Steve turned round and poked his head above the sofa back. I said nothing and sat next to Nat, as Tony re-paused the movie- it was Lord of the Rings- Tony obviously chose this. "Who knew it would work? Oh wait, I knew?" I snickered quietly and the Nat turned to look at me with a really look, "Did it actually work?" I just looked at her with the proud smile I had. She luckily took it and nodded back to the movie, "I like this scene," and I turned to face the colourfull pictures of the movie.

I'm sowwy for making short parts but wi' me plz.👍
Words: 756


Loki meets kittenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora