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5 hours ago

Emily groaned at the sound of her phone going off. She reached behind her and grabbed it. Her groggy voice speaking, "Hello?...What do you mean?...Where?" She responded, sitting up at the news. "I'll be there," she pushed off the blanket. JJ just now waking up.

"What's wrong?" She asked, not understanding the situation. Emily was changing into sweats and putting on a bra.

Emily grabbed socks and started putting them on. "It's Angie. She got into an accident. They're taking her to the hospital." She hurried. Without another word, JJ also started getting changed. "What are you doing?"

"Coming with." The blonde answered, taking a pair of Emily's longer pajama pants. Emily knew that arguing would waste time, so she just let it happen. The two scrambling around to get shoes on.

They both grabbed their bags and JJ's keys. Stepping on the gas the second they're both in their seat. Not really saying a word to each other. There wasn't any radio filling in the silent void either.

When they pulled up, they watched as Angie's body was rushed in. Trying to see any movement from the teen.

"Oh God," Emily whispered. Her head dropping into her hands.  JJ placed a delicate hand on her shoulder.

"She's going to be fine, she's strong. You know that." She reassured. Emily inhaled sharply.

"I know." Emily said, unbuckling and getting out. JJ close behind. The two walked into the building. Glancing around at the emptiness.

"How can I help you two?" The lady at the desk questioned.

"We're here for Angela Lucas. She was just brought in." Emily informed, trying to keep it together.

"I'm sorry but we don't have anyone by that name in our system. Maybe you got the wrong hospital?" The dark toned woman read off the screen. "We have a patient who was just rushed into surgery. She was in a car crash. Listed as a Jane Doe."

"That's her," Emily confirmed. The nurse typed away at her keys. Each click of a keyboard adding more suspense.

"She's in surgery, you can wait over there for her." The nurse pointed to the seating area. The two nod and walk over. Sitting next to each other.

"I'll call Hotch and let him know neither of us will be coming in," JJ mentioned. Emily gave a stiff nod.

She watched as her friend left. Moving outside to make the call. Emily sat alone for five minutes. Taking the shakiest breaths she has ever in awhile. She was doing her best to keep everything composed. And when JJ came back, her eyes had taken in the shakiest of the co-worker.

"Um, the rest of the team is going to be here in half an hour." She filled in. When Emily barely answered, JJ knew she was still worrying. She couldn't blame her either. The teen shes taken in is currently in surgery.


2 hours had passed and still no update about the surgery. Everyone had sat around. Eager to know anything. Everyone perked up when they saw a doctor in scrubs come towards them. Their hope dialing back when he stopped by the counter with the nurse.

He had glanced over at the group, murmuring something to the nurse. Who gave a soft nod, before saying something else while looking at Emily. The doctor bows his head, pats the counter, and walks over towards them.

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