Chapter 6

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The group quickly acquainted themselves, gathering around a substantial round table to engage in discussions about their respective research. A scientist from another part of the world that could not make it joined via a video chat, their face projected on a screen. They all walked and occasionally sat down around a big round table. They had been discussing their findings and strategies for two hours.

"So there's hope? Something we can truly do?" Dr. Adler's words held a mixture of earnestness and optimism. A sense of impending victory was palpable, his mind painting vivid images of the day when the Cilomina virus pandemic would be eradicated from the world. He envisioned the relief and triumph reflected in people's expressions, a scene he deeply longed to witness. Whenever that day might arrive, he wished for it to be close. The sight of elite doctors and himself collaborating with dedication fueled his motivation.

"These crops exhibit a greenish mold. The infected plants refuse to decompose, instead propagating the disease."

"I know it's somewhat controversial to voice in a room dedicated to saving lives, but we must face the reality that we're not God. We must consider the grim possibility that a cure might not exist," the second doctor interjected, introducing a note of sobering realism. "Consider yourselves fortunate that the virus hasn't spread as extensively to Barawa as it has here."

"I can't allow myself to accept that." Dr. Adler's words carried a tinge of sorrow, his resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. "The ebb and flow of illnesses like this has taken its toll throughout history, often claiming a significant portion of the population before receding. It's a natural cycle. If you reflect on the last few decades, the Spanish flu caused more casualties than the 14th-century Black Plague, which was equally devastating. Millions of lives were lost," Dr. Adler noted, his voice carrying a weight of historical perspective.

Sensing the tension in his words, a gentle pat on the back from a fellow doctor offered reassurance.

Dr. Darren's attention was immediately drawn to the plant samples Dr. Adler had brought, and he directed the other doctors' focus to them.

"Is this the basis for your tincture?" Dr. Darren inquired.

"Yes, I blended it with other healing herbs native to Barawa. I have an array of plants with healing properties."

"Do you possess more of these samples?"

"Yes, they're stored in my lab back in Barawa."

"We need additional samples of this particular plant. It doesn't grow here. Our attempts at creating a medication similar to yours have proved futile. We only have an immunity boost that might provide a better fighting chance, but results have been disappointing."

"I can certainly provide more samples, but I'd have to return home."

"How long would it take for you to make the journey?"

"I can't travel alone. I need you to accompany me, both to lend credibility to my findings and to receive them from me. However, I must admit that the prospect of the council making good on their threat to banish me weighs heavily on my mind."

"What do you mean?"

"I've ventured here at a time when I'm supposed to be confined to my lab, focused on discovering a cure. I have only a few weeks before I'm cast out of Barawa with my daughter. Once I return, leaving won't be an option."

"Why not consider settling here? Your expertise would be invaluable to our team."

"I appreciate the offer, but Barawa is my home. I can't turn my back on my people."

"Then we'll accompany you back immediately. Combining this plant with our immunity boost could enhance our research. With the right circumstances, progress might be achievable."

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