Chapter 15

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Alyssa could only stare in shock through the glass as every Helian ship emitted a bright blue light from its core. All the brides and Helians had a unique view in the mothership from space. They could see the rest of the solar system and all of Earth. The lights were directed to Earth as single direct beams, destroying everything in their path. Alyssa's eyes stung, but she refused to allow her tears to fall as she watched the Earth she once knew destroyed. The room was silent as everyone watched in horror as Earth was reduced to nothing. She feared Earth wouldn't recover from this.

Boman felt her despair as his own. Feelings he was all too familiar with when dealing with loss while trying to put on a brave face. He always had to be strong for his people. Because when one faced decisions that made all the difference between extinction and survival, feelings don't matter. Only your survival instinct did.

As he looked at her, he wished she knew that Earth would be okay. He would make sure of it. Helians owed humans that much, after all. They had to sacrifice a lot to get here.

The mothership turned away while the other ships continued the next cleanse phase and headed back to Helios.

"Why are we leaving? I need to see this Boman."

"What comes next, I believe, will be too hard to digest for you humans."

"We're tougher than you think."

"What you're going through. I know it all too well, but your home will be restored just the way it was. We-"

Alyssa couldn't process anything he was saying. All the pain, all the sorrow of all they had lost, now they couldn't go back to their planet. Everything that she had known was gone. Her father, mother, friends, her village, everyone was gone. The only ones that were left of humanity were in the Helian ships.

"Just, please... Stop talking."

"As you wish."

"Brother, aren't you going to introduce me to your bride?" A man that looked much like Boman came and stood next to him with Tinker by his side.

"Not a good time, Desmond." He dismissed him with his hand and addressed the room. "Everyone, take your brides with you back to your quarters. We have a long way home."

Alyssa panicked, hearing the words room and brides in one sentence.

"I'd like to spend time with Tinker. She and I need to talk," Alyssa said as she grabbed her and squeezed her hand.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait. All of us start to wed our brides tonight." As Desmond spoke, Alyssa's mouth fell open.


"We talked about this already."

"But that wasn't in the contract." She looked at Boman narrowing her eyes.

"It was. It would be best to read the fine print when you sign something. Silly little things like these can be missed."

"What? No, I'm pretty sure-"

But Boman had enough of her rejection and leaned down to crush her lips with his. What surprised him was that, for all her displeasure, she did not resist him. What started as a rough peck on the lips turned into a mix of sucking and savoring each other's lips and tongues. The more they touched, the more their bond grew, and Boman counted on it.

It was working so well that even after everyone already left the grand hall, their lips did not part. Both of them were now engulfed in a cloud of lust and desire for each other.

"Wife, I crave you." He whispered between open-mouth kisses.

Alyssa pulled away from him, realizing she was in the daze she was under because of the injection. "What is this? Why do I feel a need for you? I've never felt like this for anyone before. Stop this Boman!"

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