Chapter 31

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When Alyssa opened her eyes again, it was to find Boman staring down at her. Immediately, her heart skipped a beat, and she had to actively stop herself from screaming. She did however flinch, and Boman was quick to notice.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

His eyes were gentle, and his lips looked like they wanted to curl up in a smile and not in a sinister way that said he knew what she had been up to.

"Fine." She swallowed. "Just... a bad dream. I hate small spaces."

"Oh." His brow furrowed in sympathy. "If it's any consolation, you won't have to go through that again." Alyssa frowned, and he quickly added, "Any time soon, I mean."

She didn't believe him.

She sat up, and he helped her get onto her feet.

"Would you mind accompanying me?" he asked.

Alyssa's hairs stood on ends in suspicion and outright fear, but Boman didn't seem threatening, and when he smiled, it appeared genuine. She knew it was the effects of the information she had uncovered, but she could not help how she felt. She knew now she was looking at a monster. It now made her even sicker to her stomach having to pretend.

"Why?" she asked. "Where are we going?"

"You will see. Could you just trust me, even for a moment?"

What the fuck! she wanted to scream. She wanted to get off the ship and somehow hightail it back to Earth. A part of her sincerely wished Helians had never come in the first place, even if it meant taking their nonexistent chances with a deadly disease. That they would have died with dignity. 

"Um...sure," she said. She slipped on her shoes, taking as much time as she could.

When she was done, he held out his hand again, and she took it, muttering a silent prayer when he wasn't looking.

He led her out of the room. The hallway was still empty. She was starting to worry when they made it to the grand hall and found it packed. It was like every resident on the ship was there, and they were all standing at the giant window, looking out into space.

Boman was still smiling when Alyssa looked up at him again. Whatever they were looking at was why he had brought her here.

He led her to the window, and the crowd parted automatically as they approached. It was there that Alyssa saw what everyone was so fascinated about, and her jaw hit the ground.

They were looking at a solar system not too far off, one that was different from Earth. There were strange, beautiful brilliantly colored planets revolving around a strange yellow sun. There were more stars in sight than Alyssa could remember seeing whenever she looked out into space from earth.

"Wow," was all she could mutter.

"Welcome to my humble solar system," Boman said. He was beaming now. "And when we get to that particular floating rock over there." He pointed at one of the planets close to the sun. "I'll be saying welcome to Helios."

"It's beautiful." 

"It is," Boman agreed. "I'm glad to share it with you. You're going to love it here." He pulled her closer to him, she had no choice but to accept his embrace, plus everyone was looking. 

Alyssa looked up at him, and for lack of words to say, she chose to smile instead.

Boman got distracted, basking in the murmured awe of the earthlings as they gazed upon the otherworldly view. Alyssa searched around, hoping to find Blaze in the crowd. She had no such luck.

Boman let go of her at last and went forward, then turned to address everyone as they got closer to Helios.

"My brothers and sisters, we have returned," he said. "And to our guests, welcome to our home."

The crowd cheered rapturously, and he waited until they settled down again.

"A feast is in order to celebrate this grand occasion. Please, let us enjoy the day."

The crowd exploded again with cheers, even louder this time.

Boman led Alyssa to their table, and they sat down to eat. The dining table was littered with a greater assortment of food than Alyssa had seen in all her life, including the time spent on the ship. The successful return must have really put Boman in a good mood.

All the while that they were at the table, he spoke of Helios and of the people and how beautiful the planet was compared to earth. He talked of how it was similar to earth with bluer oceans and skies and yet how incredibly different it was with animals and plants and foods they had never seen. It sounded amazing, and Alyssa could not help but wonder why he was suddenly interested in giving her a tour and having her experience his favorite things about his home planet. What did this mean?

At last, Boman had to leave to take care of some technical matters, the details of which he did not bother Alyssa with. Alyssa did not care. She was grateful for the time to herself.

Her first thought was to use the opportunity to seek out Blaze—the key in her hidden pocket weighed down heavily on her—but before she could get the chance, someone came to sit across from her at the table. The act seemed audacious and almost threatening, but when she looked up at the person, it was apparent none of that was the case.

It was Tinker.

Alyssa looked into the eyes of her one-time best friend—until Tinker looked away, suddenly taking an interest in the table—and she realized she still had no idea how to feel about her.

"Hey," Tinker muttered in a quiet voice that Alyssa could not recognize.

"Tinker," Alyssa said. Realizing that Tinker was trying to fix things but unsure how to proceed, she decided to throw her a bone. "How have you been?"

"Good." She nodded fervently. "Good."

"And how's your baby?" she asked.

"Fat." Tinker gave a sad smile.

"Did it come out a boy or girl? Don't make me have to poke the details out of you. You must tell me."

"Girl. She's got the rosiest cheeks you'll ever see."

"I guess she takes after her mother," Alyssa said. "I have seen your baby pictures, and I remember them well."

Tinker smiled. She looked like she wanted to laugh but was unsure it was appropriate.

"It would love it if you were her godmother."

"It would be my honor." She smiled.

"Thank you." Tinker smiled back. 

"And how is—"

"Alyssa..." Tinker interrupted. Her eyes suddenly brimmed with tears, and she played with her napkin as if uncertain what to do with her hands. "I... I'm... You need to understand... I'm..."

Sitting there, watching her best friend break down in tears as she faltered with words, Alyssa realized she knew exactly how she felt.

She took Tinker's hands in hers and squeezed tight.

"I know. I know."

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