Chapter 8

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With a heavy heart, Alyssa carefully unfolded the letter her father had left for her. The stark reality that both of her parents had passed away, leaving her alone, weighed heavily on her. A profound sense of solitude and despair crept over her, as it seemed like everyone she cared about was slipping away. In the midst of this overwhelming grief, she couldn't help but wonder if she would be the sole survivor of her own loneliness and desolation.

Tears streamed down her face, rendering her voice too feeble to call out to anyone, not even the Sultan himself. She wept until exhaustion overtook her, and when she finally regained consciousness, she found the Sultan accompanied by a group of men standing in her door.

The Sultan, displaying genuine sympathy, watched as she continued to shed silent tears, offering no words to the monarch. In her anguish, she momentarily overlooked the customary gestures of respect and tradition. "This is bad. Our sole beacon of hope has been extinguished. It's imperative that we gather our thoughts and plan our next course of action."

"You should have called me immediately you found out he was not breathing."

"You must realize the shock I'm grappling with," she retorted, her voice trembling with sorrow. "My father's passing is a consequence of the actions taken by all of you. I couldn't bring myself to call for help immediately."

"No, he perished due to his own recklessness, venturing into the city against my explicit warnings," she countered firmly. "Do you truly believe I wouldn't uncover his clandestine actions after instructing him otherwise?"

Despite his retort, she paid little attention, her gaze fixed on the men who had accompanied the Sultan as they draped her father in a white shroud. As they prepared to bear him away on a raffia mat from their dwelling, she made a futile attempt to stop them. The Sultan, still offering his consoling presence, held her firmly. Eventually, as her sobs subsided, he released his grip, allowing her to settle onto the floor. In the ensuing silence, the Sultan remained by her side, his reassuring presence a solace.

"First thing tomorrow morning, I'm heading to the city to attend to some matters," Alyssa declared.

The Sultan sensed that this might concern the pandemic research doctors who had recently arrived.

"Alyssa, Your presence is needed here now more than ever," he implored.

"I'm going to seek a definitive solution to all of this," she replied with determination.

"How?" the Sultan inquired.

"I'm not a child anymore," Alyssa asserted. "I'm aware of the advanced research capabilities and knowledge we possess, even about the alien planet. If we want any chance of survival, I must act swiftly."

The Sultan's concern deepened. "What's your plan? Do you realize how perilous it is for you to venture out there at this time?"

"I have to do this, Sultan," Alyssa affirmed resolutely. "I will do this."

"Stay with me, Alyssa. Let me look after you," the Sultan urged, his concern evident in his eyes.

Alyssa's gaze remained resolute as she responded, "I don't need any man to take care of me."

"I made a promise to your father that I would," he reminded her gently.

"I'm not a damsel in distress. I can take care of myself," she retorted firmly.

The Sultan's expression softened as he pleaded, "I understand that, and that's precisely why we need you here, especially now. I need you. What could a young lady like you hope to gain by risking your life on a quest?"

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