Part 16 || news

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<time skip day before competition>


Coach: "ok good job guys! You're ready for tomorrow!" Me and Sunghoon smiled at each other "see you guys tomorrow!"

Sunghoon: "I'm so nervous but I'm also so excited!"

Y/N: "me too!" He hugged me lifting me off the ground spinning us around

I love Sunghoon but I never got the courage to confess. He put me down and I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. We painted and smiled at each other for a while admiring one another. Slowly out smiled dropped and we just looked at each other's eyes. Our faces inched closer and closer

Sunghoon: "y/n... I-" he got cut off when my phone rang. We pulled apart and I rushed to answer. Who the heck needs me now? It had to be now?! I checked the caller ID

Y/N: "fucking Jay-" I whispered to myself

*on the phone*
Y/N: "what?" I asked annoyed
Jay: "come home now mom and dad wants to talk to us about something" I scrunched my face wondering what it is
Y/N: "oh ok"

I hung up the phone and turned to Sunghoon

Y/N: "hey Sunghoon I gotta go my parents want to talk to me" he nodded

Sunghoon: "ok you go ahead I have to finish packing my stuff" I nodded

Y/N: "bye Sunghoon love you!"

Sunghoon's POV

I chuckled seeing her wave her hand while almost exiting the door

Sunghoon: "love you too!" She ran away and I looked down to pack my stuff

Coach: "are you guys a thing?" I turn to my left and see my coach

Sunghoon: "o-oh! No we're not, we just say that as friends" I smiled but then frowned right after looking down

Coach: "ok but I don't mean to intervene but I think you said that not as a friend" I look up at her

Sunghoon: "that obvious?" She nodded

Coach: "well this just makes your upcoming competition a lot more meaningful right? *chuckle* bye Sunghoon! Rest well" she left and I sat down thinking about it. I should confess to her before the competition tomorrow. I stood up satisfied and slung my bag over my shoulder walking home


I entered my house to see my family and Jake's family sitting in our living room. The atmosphere was really weird and there was so much suspense

Y/N: " *scoff-chuckle* uhhh what's going on?" I dropped my bags on the floor removing my jacket

Mom: "come here honey" she patted the spot beside her but instead I went and sat down beside Jay and Jake so I was in between them

Y/N: "you know what's happening?" I whispered in Jay's ear and he shook his head no

Jake: "y/n, you know why I'm here?" I shook my head no and our parents fake coughed meaning we had to pay attention

Mrs.Sim: "we wanted to discuss something that might shock you guys, especially Jake and y/n" me and Jake looked at each other weirdly but nodded

Dad: "you see our family has been friends for a long time and y/n, I don't know if you still remember but we spent a lot of time with the Sim's when you were a baby" is that why Jake's moms voice sounded familiar

Y/N: "ok and?"

Mr.Sim: "well ever since then we wanted our kids to be together" my heart started pounding, I hope they don't mean what I think they mean.

Mom: "we want you guys to get married after highschool" me and Jake stood up shocked with the news

Jake&Y/N: "WHAT?!"

Y/N: "mom! Are you crazy?!"

Jake: "dad mom seriously?!"

Mrs.Sim: "please comply with us, we've planned this since you were kids" tears started streaming down my face and my breathing became unstable

Jake: "no! We can't get married!"

Y/N: "m-mom! Da-d! *sobs* please I don't want to get married! Jake and I are best friends!"

Mom: "which makes it easier for you to get along" I was shocked with everything. Am I seriously going to get married with Jake?

Jay: "mom! Best friends! Not lovers!" We we're now yelling at our parents

Mr.Sim: "kids please calm down"

Jake: "dad, seriously?! Calm down?!" He asked sarcastically

Mom: "you kids don't have a choice, you're going to get married after you graduate" they exited the house leaving us here. I dropped to my knees crying

Y/N: "NO NO NO NO NO!" I hit the floor multiple times and Jay tried stopping me

Jake's POV

I watched as y/n cried and I ended up crying as well. I may have liked y/n before but I successfully lost feelings for her. I just see her as my little sister now. I don't want to get married

Y/N: "what are we going to do Jake?!" I bent down and hugged her

Jake: "I don't know but we'll find a way to not get married"

Y/N: "sorry if you're offended but I really don't wanna get married" she cried more and I sighed

Jake: "it's ok, I'm not, I want to stop this wedding for real and I also don't wanna get married. And anyway I know you like Sunghoon" she looked up at me and cried more

Y/N: "Sunghoon, I forgot... how will I tell this to him?!"

Jay: "we'll figure it out ok?" We did a group hug and cried together

Y/N: "guys I kinda wanna go up and rest" we nodded

She went up with heavy feet and we both sighed

Jay: "what are we going to do?! I'm scared she won't do well with her competition tomorrow"

Jake: "I'll find a way to stop this"


I'm crying so much I felt like puking. I opened my door with no emotion at all. I dropped my stuff and fell on the edge of the bed hugging my knees.

Y/N: "why why why?! Why did it have to be me?!" It was hard to breathe in between my tears, my head started hurting from how much I'm crying and my heart was pounding like crazy. I held my chest and rubbed it trying to calm myself down but it's not working. The more I thought about it the more I just felt like crying.

Sunghoon: "y/n!"

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