Part 28 || tribute performance

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Sunghoon's POV

Yeji: "it's about y/n" I stopped in my tracks and faced her angrily. I didn't want them comforting me about it. I don't wanna bring her up because it's just gonna make me even more depressed "Sunghoon!" She called me as I started going up the stairs "SUNGHOON FOR GOD'S SAKE GET DOWN HERE!" I turned around and looked at Yeji shocked and scared. I grumpily walked down and sat in front of all of them

Sunghoon: "what?" They looked at each other and sighed. Ughh can't they make this quick?

Dad: "well the host from your recent competition contacted us if you can do a tribute performance for y/n since he heard about-" I stood up and slammed my hands on the table

Sunghoon: "I'm not doing it! I told you I'm never gonna skate again!"

Mom: "honey please, this'll be our performance commemorating y/n" I closed my eyes and bit my lip and looked to the side

Sunghoon: "how many times do I have to tell you I don't want anything to do with ice skating again!"

Yeji: "then what were you doing there a while ago huh?" I look down at her as she calmly looked up at me threateningly "you were there a while ago right? I saw you you go inside and you say you want nothing to do with ice skating?" she scoffed and looked forward. I sat back down realized I was caught

Mom: "please just do this. For y/n..." she held my hand and slightly gripped it. I look up at her and she was already crying. My mom really loved y/n, she always shipped us together and hoped that she'd be my wife. Everytime I bring up another girl she'd always compare her to y/n and how y/n is a better choice for me.

Sunghoon: "fine but this is the LAST time I'm skating" I stood up and walked to my room slamming my door

I plopped on my bed just thinking about to what I agreed on. Looks like I'm skating without y/n for the first time in- in... *sigh* I can't even remember the times when I'd skate without y/n. Ever since before she was always there skating with me.


I got home and once I entered I saw Jay and his friends gathered around the living room. Once they noticed me they all stood up at the same time

Jay: "where have you been?"

Y/N: "I was with Sunghoon..." I looked at them all confused to why they were so serious but then they looked like they calmed down when I mentioned Sunghoon

Jake: "oh ok good" I tilted my head

Y/N: "do you know him?" They all froze, what is up with these people?

Sunoo: "oh we don't we were just relieved that you were just with a friend" ahhh I nodded and headed upstairs

I laid down on my bed when I got a text message. Oh it's from Sunghoon

Hey y/nie~ I wanna tell you
something. Can we meet up tomorrow
and hangout in the park again?

A smile crept up to my face unconsciously. I rolled over to my side and bit my bottom lip hoping to prevent myself from smiling too much

Hey Hoonie~ sure!! How about 5:00pm
tomorrow? Sounds good?

Sure! 5:00 sounds good

I placed my phone on my chest and hugged it while rolling over to the side again and again. Why am I so excited about this? It's just a hangout right? While I was stuck in my thoughts Jay called me

Jay: "Y/N! COME DOWN AND HANGOUT WITH US!" I jumped up from my bed and ran downstairs

Jake: "you seem jumpy" I just smiled widely while nodding. They all looked at me weirdly but I didn't even bother

We hung out for a while playing games and just talking. Gosh I haven't laughed like this in so long.

<time skip next day 5:00>

Sunghoon's POV

I planned on inviting y/n to my performance. I don't know why but I wanted to. Maybe it was a way to let go of y/n and start anew with this one. But I don't know if I'll be able to do that... no one can replace my ice princess.

Y/N: "hey Hoonie!" She popped up in front of me waving her hand in front of my face while giggling

Sunghoon: "hey y/n" I smiled and we started walking

<time skip>

Y/N: "so what is it you wanted to tell me?"

Sunghoon: "I wanted to invite you to my ice skating performance" she bawled her eyes out and her face had so many questions

Y/N: "wha- when did you start skating? You actually skate? And you perform? Do you compete? *gasp* wait I can finally see you perform!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm

Sunghoon: "so you'll go?"

Y/N: "of course I'll go! Definitely!" We chuckled and faced forward again "so why are you performing? I thought you quit?"


He stiffened up and I know I shouldn't have asked that

Y/N: "sorry never-"

Sunghoon: "no it's ok..." he sniffled and quickly wiped the tear that trickled down his face "this is for the person I love. It's a tribute for her..."

Y/N: "Wh-what happened to her?" This time he just let his tears fall.

Sunghoon: "she- sh-she *sigh* she died" I was shocked and I felt like tearing up. I can't imagine losing someone "we were best friends ever since we were kids and we started developing feelings for each other in highschool" that was quite recent "we skated and competed together in competitions all the time. We were the best duo ever, we went by the name of The Ice Prince and The Ice Princess"

I looked down thinking how happy he must've been before

Sunghoon: "but things didn't turn out the way we wanted... she had to get married to someone else and then-" he choked on his words but continued "and then the fire happened..."

Sunghoon's POV

I look to my side and see y/n wiping her tear

Y/N: "sorry it's just, your story sounds so wonderful. You guys really do love each other" I smiled knowing she shared her feelings with me. She doesn't pretend like she cares but she actually does. She sympathizes with you and that's really sweet

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