C H A P T E R - E L E V E N

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No Pants, Lots of Problems

V A L E R I U S '    P O V :

"You know, Valerius. I think you might have me convinced." He slumps in his chair with a slight hint of a smile.

My eyes trail over the computer screen. The Spanish mafia leader, Marco Martinez. I know him well, him and my father are good friends.

"I hope so, Mr. Martinez. The Russians have been out of control for years now. It's time they finally see what they're up against." I say with an edge to my voice. Marco nods in agreement.

"Sounds personal." Marco rises a brown teasingly. I'm glad he can't see me tense behind the screen. "I won't ask questions, I trust you as a son. Just as I trust your papà as a brother." I give a tight-lipped smile and nod shortly.

"T—," I halt when my office door slams open with a bang. My head snaps to the doorframe.

It's Ellie. She runs into my office with a smile on her face and.. no pants.

My face was content for Marco to see but inside I was fuming. Not at Ellie but at my brothers, who (no doubt) are going to run into the room in a matter of seconds.

This call needs to end before things get out of my control.

"Is that Valerius!?" I hear from the other line. Rachel, Marco's wife.

Frustration builds within my chest. I'm not getting off this call anytime soon. Rachel is a talker. I need to find a way to leave without being disrespectful.

Footsteps pound on the ground, no doubt my brothers are coming to clean their mess. Ellie giggles quietly with her hand covering her mouth. She runs and hides in the corner of the room, not seeming to notice me at all.

Well, I'm glad at least she's getting a kick out of this predicament.

"Mrs. Martinez." I smile tightly and she gives me a warm smile back when she sees me.

"Dear, how many times have I told you! Just call me Rachel!" She corrects sweetly. This lady is always too happy.

"Rachel." I fix my mistake and she laughs.

I keep my focus as I hear dumb, dumber and dumbest enter the room panting. . . with Ellie's pants.

Marcello bends down with his hands on his knees. Savino starts coughing and Fabio rests on the doorframe, tired. My jaw ticks. Idiots.

With a smile on her face, Ellie notices me and runs behind my chair. I pretend like nothing is wrong and continue to listen to Rachel ramble away.

As soon as my brothers look around to see where she went their eyes go wide. Not only have we decided not to announce Ellie to all the mafias yet.. they also know not to interrupt me when I'm in a meeting. The anger on my face is as clear as day.

"Is everything alright, Valerius?" Marco asks with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I'm sure he's guessing my brothers are doing something. He knows my family very well.

"Yes. It just seems my brothers have misplaced something. Something they shouldn't have misplaced." I reply calmly.

My brothers looked terrified, knowing that once my meeting was finished they were as good as dust.

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