C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Every Villan Has An Origen Story

V A L E R I U S '   P O V :

"It would make a lot of sense if this all brakes down to be mamma." Savino says, worry clear in his voice.

"But why? Why would she ever work with Ivan? What would she get out of it?" Fabio chimes in.

"Maybe she isn't.. maybe she's just u-using him?" Savino tries, throwing another idea out there.

"But what is her point? Why is she going after her own kids? Because we finally learned how to have a mind of our own?" Mar leans his head into his hands. We're all confused.

"Because your mamma is a crazy jealous bitch." Nonna deadpans blankly.

The three out of the country are on a video call for our conversation. They're on a plane home.

"Mamma." Papà has a warning tone in his voice.

"What!? It's true! Bianca was crazy and so was Katerina. Your mistakes chipped off on your son, the least you can do is be honest now."

"I don't see what Katerina has to do with this—"

"Oh shut it, Valerius!" She snaps.

Something lodges in my throat. Deep down it unsettles me but I keep a straight face.

"She is right..," Fabio mumbles. "Katerina was crazy."

"Yeah.. sorry, Val." Marcello shifts uncomfortably.

"Your mamma didn't have an easy life," papà interrupts before I can snap back at any of them. "Her mamma was crazy. . . and so was her papà." Papà's head shakes. "Her life isn't a pretty story. Not one pretty for story telling."

"Well.. mind telling us so we can figure this out? All our lives are on the line." Enzo says flatly.

"It's not a story you should hear. I don't want your image of your mamma ruined."

"Well if she's behind all of this, she's already done that for her fucking self." I snap. My hands find Ellie's back and I rub it gently to calm myself down. She sleeps soundly on my lap because we had to move down to the living room to talk. I couldn't leave her alone. "This is ridiculous!"

Papà sighs and reluctantly starts a story I never expected to hear.

"Your mamma's mother was physically and verbally abusive your mamma's entire life. Her.. Her father was sort of a safe haven— if you could call it that." He inhales deeply. "In attempt to make a long story short, her papà was sick. He used your mamma's vulnerability to.. take advantage of her.. in sexual ways. When your mamma told me, the way she told me, she truly believed that it was okay of her and her papà to love each other in a not-so familial manner."

His words settle a deep disgust into the pit of my stomach. I feel nauseous almost. Memories start to creep up on me. I shift in my seat.

"Are you trying to subtly say that our mamma was groomed by our nonno? You killed that fucker right? Please tell me you did." Enzo was the first to say something. I was a little surprised that he spoke, normally he's quiet with his anger.

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