C H A P T E R - T W E L V E

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Summer Days, Drifting Away

V A L E R I U S '    P O V :

It's been just two weeks since I kicked my brothers out of my house. My papà too.

It was about time. They were getting on my damn nerves and Mar vacuumed out my refrigerator.

Still, that doesn't mean they don't come over unannounced. That happens everyday. Every single day. I have yet to get a break.

Ellie has been bored, cooped up in the house. We decided to take a trip to her nonno's house. Ellie and my papà have gotten along great so far. He loves her a lot.

Summer is something I never payed attention to. I never cared for swimming or kicking balls into various nets. Why focus on the weather when you're training to be the next mafia Don?

I thought of what other people do, what normal kids experience. The list I came up with consists of: sticky hands from ice cream, sweat, swimming and bugs. The only one that seemed interesting (and the least messy) was swimming. So, that's what we'll do today and since Ellie doesn't know how to swim yet, I'll teach her.

"How much longer?" Ellie whines as her feet swing back and forth. She sits in her purple car seat, her eyes focus on the trees passing by.

"Like I told you thirty seconds ago. We'll be there in like five minutes, piccolina." I repeat.

I'm glad being a mafia leader requires patience or else I'd be losing my mind right now.

That was the sixth time she asked me.

As Ellie taps her fingers on the door impatiently, we finally arrive to the mansion. I pull up to the gate and put in the passcode before passing the guards. They nod their head in respect.

I watch through the mirror as Ellie examines the trees and flowers. "Big house.." She mumbles, her eyes following every square inch of the house.

"Big like our house." I respond and she nods her head halfheartedly.

Our house is bigger though.

I shut the car off and walk out to open the back door. When I do, I grab Ellie's bag and toss it over my shoulder. I unbuckle Ellie and set her on the ground to walk with me.

"Mio principessa!" Papà exclaims when he sees us walking in. He takes Ellie out of my arms to give her a tight hug. Ellie giggles as he wiggles her around.

"Nonno!" She squeals with the same enthusiasm
and my papà chuckles. He kisses her on the crown of her head.

He puts a squirming Ellie down and she stands by my side, bouncing with excitement. "Papà." I greet and we half-hug.

"Val." He greets back. "Your mamma is in the kitchen, Enzo is working in his office and the three idiots are outside probably doing something that will get them in trouble later." He tells me and I nod with a smile in place of a thank you.

I walk with Ellie holding my hand, towards the
kitchen. Mamma actually did call to apologize a week ago but still, I can tell it's not completely out of a good heart.

"Mamma." I call out and she look at me with a wide smile. Completely abandoning the fruit she was cutting on the counter, she turns to me with open arms. I wrap one arm around her- keeping one holding Ellie's hand. Mamma kisses my cheek with a loud smack.

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