Chapter 13

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Shout out toooooooo DatGirl678 because she's awesome👌😂

GabI's POV

I got there just in time to see Caden and Eric fighting.

"Look pup your on my territory." Caden warned.

"Well I'm on your territory to train you and your fail of wolves!" Eric shouted back.

"My pack is trained by the best." Caden yelled.

"Then why the hell are we here?!?" Eric smirked.

Caden was speechless and he was mad. Caden punched Eric in the gut. Eric didn't seem affected by the punch and upper cut Caden in the jaw.

I ran in right before Caden was about to punch Eric.

"STOP IT! You two are both acting like wild animals!" Which is funny because they are practically wild animals.

Caden growled at me. Making Eric step in "this dog wasn't doing any training because apparently he doesn't need it!"

I looked at Caden and scowled. "Look Caden you are probably the wolf who needs the most training. Eric wasn't affected by your punch so it's a sign that your weak. Your an alpha and a Beta can hold your punch."

Caden wasn't pleased with my answer. "Your suppose to be by my side! Your my mate not HIs!"

"Wrong I'm not your mate! You fùçking rejected me! I'll never be on your side for anything." I spat.

Caden was shaking in anger and did something I thought he would never do. He punched me. Square in the face so I slapped him. Hard.

Eric was fuming.

"What the hell man! First you reject her then when she comes back you practically cheat on her then call her your mate and now your using her as your punching bag! You put Gab through hell!"

I touched Eric's shoulder to tell him I'll handle this.

I looked at Caden and punched him hard in the gut then in the face then I through him into a tree.

"I'll never forgive you." I muttered under my breath.


It was another day at school yay! Note my sarcasm. Caden isn't coming today thank goodness. And today I'm looking for my brothers mate.

I was looking around but thought it would be easier to find her if I go through the student lock book. It had all students names and classes they were in.

Her name is Maya Runner so I have to look for R.
Rash Dede
Ranger Zoe
Rilers Penelope
Runner Maya

Found her.

Right now she is in advanced math. I hate Math.

I heard someone coming so I quickly sneaked out and started walking down the hall string to find room 142.

139, 140, 141, ah 142. I knock on the door and it's opened up by a guy with a nice build.

"What can I do for you miss?" The teacher asked.

"I'm looking for Maya Runner." I smiled. A red head stood up and walked towards me.

"I'm Maya." She stated.

"Okay let's talk outside of the class room." I said pointing to the hallway. She nodded and followed.

"Hi Maya. I'm Gabi." I smiled.

"I know who you are." She glared.

"Okay then tell me who I am miss know it all." I smirked.

"Your name is Gabriella and you alpha Caden's Mate." She said.

"Wrong I'm his Ex-Mate. And call me Gabi. Gabriella is to old and it's jus weird. Now look your my brothers mate." I stated.

She looked surprised.

"I thought you were coming over after school." She quickly said.

"Well you would have put up a nice act and I wanted to know the real you and your kinda bitchy." I smiled.

"I'm so sorry I thought you were going to do something mean to me or pull a prank. I never knew you were his sister. Oh my gawd I'm so sorry." She was like panicking.

"It's fine and don't worry I don't pull pranks." What a lie! I am going to pull a prank. Just not now.....

"Your brother said you always pull pranks." Shit! Of course he did.

"Yeah.. I grew out of pranking days." Lie. Lol.

"Okay well I have to go back to class. So I'll see you tonight." She smiled and walked to class.

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Short chapter but I'll update again tonight or tomorrow.

Ask me questions woot woot!

Bala 🐠

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