Chapter 29

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The next chapter will just be facts about this book and hidden secrets!

Gabi's POV

It's been a week since the ceremony and it's been a week since Lucas and I did the deed. Again.

I woke up with a little headache but still got out of bed so I could shower.

I turned the water on and put it just right so it's not to hot and not to cold. Just the way I like it.

I did my usual morning routine setting out both mine and Lucas outfits for the day. Lucas in a white polo shirt and black jeans while I'm in jean shorts and a black shirt.

I skipped downstairs to see Lucas all ready for the day and walking out the door.

"Have a good day Gab." He smiled making me smile.

"You to Lu." I told him.

He smiled and walked out the door. I jumped into one of the chairs as Courtney walked in.

"What up bbg." She said to me.

"You know just about to have one of the cooks make me something." I mentioned.

"Here let me do it." Courtney offered.

"Okay you can try." I smiled.

"So what would the big ol mighty luna want this beautiful morning?" She said in a western accent. I laughed at her silliness but still answered "I would like some fruit and maybe some meat. I don't know."

"Hmmm okay." She wondered.

"Uh Gabi if you don't mind me asking but are you by any chance pregnant?" She asked me. Why would I be pregnant?

"Why would you ask that?" I asked her.

"Well usually you would have pancakes and bacon with eggs and lots of toast and now you just want a little meat and fruit. I maybe wrong but it's just unusual for you. Just pretend I never asked." She shrugged.

'Shes right.' Sierra whispered.

'Who is and about what?' I asked her.

'Courtney. She's right, we're pregnant.' She purred.

I'm pregnant. What? How? Wait WHAT?!?

"No ugh Courtney. Um your right Sierra my wolf just confirmed that I am uh pregnant." I looked at Courtney who was smiling like an idiot.

"Okay after you eat I'll bring you to my room because I have pregnancy test in my bathroom just in case!" She ran and hugged me.

As I ate breakfast I wondered if I was even ready to have a baby. Am I? What will Lucas say? Will he even want me anymore? Are we ready? How? But I know, that no matter what I will care and spoil this baby with so much love!

Courtney came back into the kitchen just as I put my plate into the dishwasher.

"You ready?" She asked me.

"More ready then ever." I forcefully smiled.

She led me up to her room and into the bathroom.

"Look no matter what happens just love this baby and don't be sad if your not even pregnant." She smiled at me and walked out.

I peed on the stick but before I looked at it I took a few deep breaths.

I looked at the test and it read-


Two chapters because I haven't been writing for Awhile!!

Again this book is coming to an end but there will be a sequel!!!!

~Bala 🐠

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