Chapter 24

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Gabi POV

"Eric I don't know what to say." I answered honestly.

"Don't say anything I just needed to get that out. But I love you." And with that he walked out leaving me in my thoughts.

Did I love Eric? Well of course I do. But do I love him that way? But then Lucas. He's my mate. But could I leave Lucas for Eric? Would I feel the same? Honestly I have no clue.

'Sierra?' I asked trying to communicate with my wolf.

'I don't know Gabriella. I don't know.' She sighed then blocked me out. She answered the question I was going to ask without me asking it.

~what do you think is what I was going ask.

My life couldn't be anymore messed up.

"Gabi darling some of us wolves are going out tonight you going to come?" Lucas asked.

"Uh yeah where is it?" I questioned.

"A nice big Bon fire!" He looked all giddy. I laughed and headed upstairs.

I showered and brushed my hair. I covered myself with my robe and went through the closet to find something warm and nice to wear.

I found some stylish ripped jeans and a white shirt sweater. I looked good. I decided to put my hair into a tight pony tail and put little make up on.


I come downstairs and see Lucas standing there in a white polo shirt and black jeans. He looked sexy.

"Now let's grab something to eat before heading over." He suggested.

I smiled and nodded my head.

When we got to the place I ordered a salad while Lucas ordered a bacon burger.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" Our waitress asked, standing closer to Lucas and sticking her chest out way more then needed.

"Oh no I think were good." Lucas smiled at me.

"Well I was wondering if you need some digits?" She smirked practically telling him to ask her for her number. What a slut.

"Actually the only thin we will need is the bill. So run along princess and fix your hair." I smiled sweetly. Lucas almost choked on his water when the waitress stomped away.

"Jealous much!" He laughed causing me to growl.

The waitress came back sticking her chest out more through her skimpy clothes.

She handed Lucas the bill "here you go sweet cheeks." She winked at him before walking away with the away of her hips.

I opened the bill before Lucas could grab it.

'How about we bang sometime- Call me 519-$&@-2(:34'

I growled at that.

"Let me see that." Lucas ripped the bill away and saw the note and bursts out laughing.

He wrote back on it and it wrote 'sorry but my GIRLFRIEND wouldn't like that.' He left if with the tip.

"How about we wait outside bear the window to see her reaction." Lucas suggested.

I nodded and followed him right out.

The girl picked up the note smiling like no tomorrow but when she saw what it said she stomped her foot and chucked the note into the near by garbage.


Back at the Bonfire.

There was music and a huge fire. Everyone was there dancing and talking and just letting loose.

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