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Xander's POV

"Where is Harley?" We jogged through smoke down to the bottom floor. Huncho was laid out in his office along with all his guards. They tried to shoot us down, but like Huncho, they aren't shit.

"She should be outside with Emilio. Last I saw, she went to help a girl we found in the basement." Henry relayed to me.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I sighed.

"It means she went rogue." He answered. I knew Harley was self-less, but I didn't realize to the extent. She'd get herself killed like that.

"Wasn't it your job to prevent that?" I hissed at him.

"Come on, man, you know she doesn't take direction well. I told her to wait outside like you said, but." Henry started, "she said since when do I listen to him?"

I chuckled at that. I could picture her sweet little lips twist while she said that. Gosh, the things I'd do to her. Just the thought sent a powerful sensation to my groin. Fuck. My pretty princess was getting bolder by the day. I'd have to teach her a lesson after this.

"Let's finish up quickly; we have to find her," I admitted.

"I didn't think you were serious, boss. That thing looks like it weighs a ton." Henry pointed it once we made it to the courtyard. This is why I don't fuck with religion. "Even we can't push this thing." He sighed and rubbed his face dramatically.

"We can, and we will," I said. "Come on. Start pushing." I planted my feet in place and pushing my hands against one side of the cold metal. This thing was as big as Huncho's ego. Henry planted his feet next to me and began pushing as well. Henry, Ralph, and I were the largest out of the whole cartel. Even with both of our strengths, it was difficult to more this shit even an inch.

"Motherfucker." Henry cursed out. "We don't have time, boss. The smoke is already too much to handle." Henry grunted as he pushed. He was right, but we didn't have a choice. We needed to hit Daniel hard, harder than just killing his new business partner.

Even in this tense situation, my mind stayed on Harley. I was worried she'd buckle under the pressure, but it was the total opposite. Her downfall is the fact that she excels at helping others. I never wanted Harley involved in this messy shit; in fact, I never wanted to be involved with her at all, but it was too late.

"It's moving." Henry strained. With every push, the veins in his arms bulged out even further. The statue shifted sideways. The trap door peeked out from under. All we needed to do was open the door, and the blazing fire Ralph set will take care of the rest.

"Sir." A voice squealed out of nowhere. I know that voice. That deep velvety smooth voice was enough to send a rush through my body. I whipped my head to her, dropping my arms to the side. Flames had engulfed every side of the house, including where she just emerged from. She was barefoot, her hair was dropped down to her shoulders, and she no longer held the do she had earlier. She was out of breath, and ash was smudged all over her. Even with all the chaos she said shown so beautifully. She was breathing heavy and coughing from the smoke, which woke me up from my trance. This place was going to come down in any second.
Henry and I were already pushing our luck. She can't be in here.

"Harley?" My mind replayed the same announcement. Why the fuck was she in here? What was she thinking? My eyes moved to her blistered feet and scrapped arm. She got fucking hurt. What the fuck was she doing? How could she be so careless to walk in here? "What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I said louder than intended. I could see her jump from the sound of my voice. Fuck. I didn't want to scare her nor be angry at her. But I couldn't stop my frustration from rising. The chances of her hurting herself increased every second.

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