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Xander's POV

"I'll do it."  My eyes switched over to the door. "I'll help you." Her clumsy body staggered around as she stood holding the doors open. It all happened so fast. My body only registered when I heard Henry speak to her.

"Harley, Have long had you been standing there?" Henry cocked his head to the side and looked at her.

"Not long." She huffed, out of breath. Her uneven breathing was causing her large chest to move up and down "Just long enough."

Without much thought, I curled my fist at my side and started marching towards her.

"Wait. Wait, boss." Felipe stood in front of my path, trying to hold me back. I should've known with her stubbornness that she wouldn't calmly walk away. I was too irritated to see. By not long, I knew that meant she had been standing there the whole time. I felt myself calm down slightly but not because Felipe was holding me back but because I was glad we hadn't mentioned Daniel Miller's name in our discussion. At least she hears anything of value. "Let's hear her out. It's up to her if she wants to help." Felipe said to her.

"Yeah, let's be civilized," Pedro spoke and moved towards her. I saw as she visible cowered as Pedro towered over her. The sight made me twitch in discomfort. Nonetheless, I moved back. It took all the patience and restraint in me to not carry her body out of here. "I'm Pedro; these are my brothers. Emilio, Ralph, and Julian."

"Hi." She forced a small smile on her face. Her eyes moved to mine after she shook all of their hands respectfully.

"Get out while I'm being nice, Harley." I gritted through my teeth. Harley was a ticking time bomb at this point. She is smart and determined. It wouldn't take long for her to put the pieces together if someone happens to slip up and mention Miller. She would find out eventually. I haven't had the issue of her trying to escape because of this fabricated lie. I wanted to convince myself that that was the only reason why I didn't want Harley to assist us, but I knew far too well it wasn't.

"Sir, I won't mess anything up. I just want to pay off my mom's debt a little faster. Let me be of assistance to you." She pleaded. The zeal in her voice left me more irked than before. Could living here be that bad?

"Boss." Henry stiffened next to me. He wasn't someone who contradicted my word; however, he did along with everyone else. " The plan will run smoothly and quickly this way." He such in a more hushed voice. "There will be no room for error. We get in, and we get out. Nice and simple. You know I wouldn't entertain a bad idea." I knew he was right. If Henry didn't think it was a good idea, he would tell me immediately without beating around the bush.

"We don't have time to circle this a million times," Julian spoke up. "We need to decide what the fuck we are going to do now."

I turned away, running my hand through my messy hair with a hiss. I never realized how arduous this situation would become. But that's just the thing, this plan was difficult or overwhelming it was solely because I couldn't push emotions aside and do what needs to be done.

"Fine." I spat, "but let me make something very fucking clear, Harley." I began, "You only speak when I tell you to, you only move when I tell you to, you only say what I tell you to. Other than that, you are silent and still. I can't have to worry about what you're going to do." I almost barked towards her. Her lips stayed sealed as she only nodded in agreement. "Go over the plan again. I'll make the last adjustments to it; then we prepare for tomorrow."

"Gladly." Henry was back to his usual puppy-like self. "Huncho hasn't been pushing enough product the past couple of years, so in order to get business, he is known to sell to A list celebrities for their A list parties." He began. "First, Boss will pose as a high-value bachelor from LA looking to score some weed and cocaine off of Huncho. Of course, there will be no suspicions since he has never seen the boss, nor is this request new to him. In the likely chance that Huncho isn't interested in this deal, we add you, Harley, into the equation. So it's now a young rich bachelor and his beautiful girlfriend. " he gestured to Harley with a smile. Me, Felipe, Ralph, Pedro, and Julian will pose as bodyguards as we enter the house and as you talk out an agreement with him. Huncho will mostly insist that his guards leave him to discuss with you both alone, and at that moment, boss will take him out." Henry breathed out. "It should work in our favor, but if we do leave during open fire, we will have backup on standby."

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