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Xander's POV

"It's about my daughter, Avery. See, She's been having a tough time with her best friend being gone." He said most condescendingly. I wanted to put a bullet in his head right now with the way he was patronizing me. It was almost like he was trying to hold in his laughter. "She's not herself. She won't eat, sleep, or go to school-"

"I don't care about your daughters lacking social life, Daniel." The irritation was apparent in my voice. "So again, Why am I here?"

"She is close to finding Harley, Xander." He declared. "She's been digging around on her own. She's going to figuring this whole thing out."

I thought Avery would think she was dead by now. It's been over a month now. How could this idiot let his teenage daughter get this close? Because he's an amateur. Either way, it didn't matter. "How's that my problem?"

"I guess you're denser than I thought." he chuckled humorlessly.

"Watch your fucking mouth, Daniel. I won't tell you again." I warned harshly. With a smile still on his face, he started again.

"Since Harley left, she's been trying to find her." He continued. "If she finds out I'm involved in her best friend's kidnapping, she'd never speak to me again. I'd lose my daughter completely."

"Still failing to see how this is my problem." I looked away from his unpleasant face.

"Return Harley so that Avery will forget about all of this." He growled. "I want my daughter to go back to enjoying life, and I'll be damned if I lose her over you." He grunted the last part.

"You wouldn't be losing her because of me, Daniel. It'd be because of your own greedy mistakes." I said in a more or less bored tone. "None of this would've happened had you stayed away from my money and not sent people to spy on me." I chirped the last part.

"Return Harley, Xander." He spat. "You do not need her! Her family misses her; my daughter misses her!"

"Don't act like you care about her family, Daniel. It's disgusting. You only care about saving your own ass." I said. Right before we went to Huncho's, after I spoke to Harley, I sent men to her house. Perhaps it was my guilt and my own sick agenda, but I sent a healthy amount of money as well. Daniel was worried about what her family wanted; he never so much as visited her father. The man worked for him every day.

"You've fucked with my work, and I won't let you fuck with my family." Daniel spat, standing up but I stayed rested back against the couch.

"What work? That cheap ass cocaine you bought using my name and my men?" I scoffed. "You're not a threat; you're not a businessman, your not a boss, your a desperate man that's too in over his head." I leaned forward and rested my hand in each other. I still don't see his angle. He didn't actually think I'd give her back that easy? "So no. She won't be returning."  I stood up, now straightening out my clothes. I was repulsed by the fact that we were referring to her like she was an object that could be traded. However, there was no way to sugarcoat this. "Tell your precious daughter that."

"What is she?" He said suddenly, his brows dipped, and his forehead frowned. "Your sex slave? You took advantage of her, didn't you?" he stalked towards me step by step. My casual demeanor was no longer. Anger boiled inside me. "Have you been using that girl? Did you make her your own personal slut?" he yelled that last question. Before I could stop myself, my fist flew towards and crashed against his jaw.

"I warned you to watch your mouth!" I growled, twisted my fist into his wrinkled dress shirt, and pulled him to his face. "You don't pretend to know shit, Daniel. Nothing irks me more. You don't know anything about Harley nor me. You know her as your daughter's friend, and that's it. Mind your manners." I hissed. My thunderous voice must've alarmed Henry and Ralph since they rushed in with their hands on their guns.

"Boss, you alright?" Henry asked looked between Daniel and me.

"Fine,"  I said, pushing Daniel away from me. "Let's get the fuck out of here. This was a waste of time." I gulped. Ralph and Henry both nodded and veered to leave the room door again, with me following behind. 

"If you don't return her, I-I'll go to the police." Daniel stammered loudly. Abruptly, I stopped moving. If the cops could arrest me, they would've already. They knew who ran this city. No cop will even come close to me. Not to mention how many of those loyal cops get checks from me for letting my men off.

"Daniel, don't humor me. I'm not in the mood to laugh." I said over my shoulder. 

"I've been talking with the police chief. He's been dying to take you in, Xander. They have been trying to get something on you and your father for years." Daniel declared.

"In my line of work, that isn't uncommon, is it?" I replied in a hushed yet serious tone.

"I have the information they need," he argued. "Before you beat the shit out of Evan and killed Huncho. He gave me the map to your estate, Xander."  Something ignited in my chest. I wasn't scared nor nervous; I was angry. Livid. My wrath was consuming my body slowly. Little by little. From my toes up to my head. "That magnificent load of guns you bought from Mexico? He sent photos." He was now in a full-blown smirk. "So again, if you don't return Harley willingly, I'll take it all to them, and they'll take her back and throw your ass in prison where you belong, Xander." He pointed his bony finger towards me. "You and your father will have nothing." a small, humorless chuckle left his lips,

His words played over and over in my head tell it sounded like a distant echo. Steam was practically fuming out of my ear. No one was going to take her. Not Daniel, Not some cops, not her best friend. Harley consumed me and my life. Everyone around me knows her, loves her, appreciates her. Her sweet, silky voice, her delicate hands, and her caring nature. Her unbelievable smile and the way her body felt in my hands—those lips. I needed them for the rest of my life. Like everything was happening in slow motion, I raised my fist and cracked it against his face. Over and over. His yells and curses were muted to me, and so were Henry and Ralph's, who were trying to pull me off of him. I didn't stop even when his body squirmed on the floor mercifully, and he tried to fight back. The wetness of his blood coated my knuckles. "Say my name again, cunt." I roared, pounding into him even harder. I'll kill him right now. I'll paint the room with him.

"Xander, stop." Henry barked. "You can't kill him!" He tried to pry my arms away, but it was to no avail. "Harley will never forgive you, you idiot." Those words made every nerve twitch in my body. "She'll hate you even more than you already know." He said, softer taking his hands off of me. Out of breath, I pushed myself away from Daniel, slamming his head against the floor, and moved onto my feet. His face was fucked beyond belief, but even after that, my rage hadn't subsided. He moaned in pain, rocking against the floor.

"Send them, Daniel." I removed my suit jacket and handed it to Ralph to toss. It had the bastard's blood on it; I didn't want it.

"You motherfucker! Don't test me! I'll really send them straight to your doorstep!" Daniel thrashed in pain.

"I said do it." I sniffled and looked away from his pitiful face."You've started a war, Daniel."

"Fuck you!" He hissed, spitting at my feet. It was all he was able to do at this point.

"I hope you're ready to finish what you started." I kneeled to him. "I was generous in the beginning." I grabbed his bloody face in my hand and snatched his face forward so he could see the pure madness in my eyes and the wrath he ignited. "By the end of this, you will have nothing. I'll make sure of it." with that, I threw him away from me and stood and strode right out the door. Ignoring the eyes, the yells from Henry and Ralph, and the loud music of the club, with indignation, I left with one thing on my mind. How was I going to convince her to love me back after all this?


HI THOTTIES, sorry for the super late update!! some things came up, and I wasn't able to upload. I will make it up to everyone.  I'm also posting chapter 30 tomorrow since this chapter is shorter than usual. Sorry for the delay!!

I hope yall enjoy it!! comment opinions, reactions, thoughts, or criticism.

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