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Harley's POV

"Come in." His deep chilling voice said as I stood at his office door. One of the maids immediately gave me a large cup of straight black coffee to give to Sir once I had made it up here. Anyone that drinks straight black coffee had to be demented.

As I grasped the golden knob to open the door, I tried to control my breathing, but I couldn't help it. I sounded like I just ran a marathon, by how hard I was breathing and how much I was sweating from nervousness.  Deciding I shouldn't take too long to enter, I slowly opened the heavy wooden door and walked in. I know I had to be walking with a slight limp since these underwear were beginning to cut into my thighs. However, the overwhelming feeling of nervousness left me numb to the physical pain I was feeling. Just like every room in this mansion, Sir's office was enormous. Bookshelves filled with books crowded the walls, and there was a large yet stunning wooden desk in the middle of the room followed by black leather chairs in front of it.  Sir was sitting behind the desk aggressively typing on a voguish desktop.  He looked amazingly handsome similar to every time I'd seen him. I didn't think I'll ever get over his looks. I slowly walked up to his desk, waiting for him to look up, but he never did. "Set it down, please." He said, referring to the steaming cup of coffee in my hands.

"Y-y-yes, sir." I stuttered and shuffled towards him to set the cup down on the desk carefully.   After a couple of seconds of just standing there in the suffocating silence, I opened my mouth again. "Do you need anything else, sir?" I asked politely, making him finally look up at me. I'm sure he didn't ask to see me only for a cup of coffee.

"Actually, yes." He said, finally looking up at me. His discerning green eyes looked me up and down, slowly scanning over my body quickly. His quick actions left a funny feeling in my empty stomach.  "Take your clothes off." He said abruptly.

"E-excuse me?" I asked in confusion. Panic slowly but surely began to possess my mind. I was scared before but learning who these men exactly were caused another level of fear I wasn't ready for.

"I said, Take. Your. Clothes. Off." He repeated harshly, leaving a blunt pause between every word.  "I already told you that I don't like repeating myself."

There is no way I was going to immediately follow his orders. I knew he would order me around tirelessly, but this was beyond anything I had expected. I didn't want to think about what he would do, but I couldn't help it based on the current situation. "But, why-"I began but was cut off almost as soon as I started talking.

"Do it." He said whilst running his hand through his slicked hair as he stood up and slowly walked towards me. My heart began to beat rapidly as I watched as he gradually unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up effortlessly. The skin on his forearm was completely uncovered, showing off his dark tattoos.  From the look on his face and his dangerously looming walk, I couldn't buy myself any more time or refuse his request any longer.

Without another word, I placed either hand on each end of my shirt and gradually lifted the baggy black shirt off my body. His eyes never leaving mine as he continued to walk towards me. I took off my pants one leg at a time while at the same time trying to cover my exposed upper half. The B cup bra I was given hardly covered my breast, so I'm sure half my areola was exposed for anyone to see. I placed my arm over my breast while shifting uncomfortably in place.  I didn't dare try and look up at him as he strolled up to me. He was so close I could smell his aromatic woodsy cologne. His scent and warmth evaded my nostrils and once cold body. My body unintentionally began to shake as I felt his finger slowly touch the hem of my underwear, right above my pelvis area. At that, I took a sharp intake of breath.

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