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A wake up floating again.

Suddenly im thrown down and go barrelling down an estimate of 100 feet towards something that looked suspiciously like water. I scream and throw my hands in front of me to break my fall but instead of pain and me going SPLAT! I fall through the water before being yanked back.

I gasp for air and stumble back as the force pulls me roughly to my feet.

When I open my eyes im in a white box. I frown and look around for an escape but no signs of a door are shown. My frown deepens and I press my hands into the wall to feel for any grooves in the wall.

"You won't find a way out" a voice suddenly says from behind me.

I spin around, getting into a defensive stance but the person doesn't even flinch.

It's a woman around mid-thirties in a white uniform, she also had white short hair and a pale complexion.

I frown and slowly straighten but not quite trusting her.

She flashes me her pearly whites "hello, my name is oma and I'm your guide".

My eyebrows nit together "Guide for what exactly, death? A gesture around me with two hands "because I'm pretty sure I'm there".

The wom- Oma nods but says "Yes and no".

My hands slap to my side in frustration "and what the hells that supposed to mean!?

"I'm your guide out of here".

"And where exactly am I? I ask.

"You are in the middle of two world's, the dead, and the living" she pauses for dramatic effect "you are not quite dead so u were brought here and it seems you do not know how to get out so I'm here to help".

I nod my head slowly and say "uhuh" I then nod at her white appearance "and why are you all white? Am I in a asylum?

Oma lets out a noise between a fitter and a snort but her face remains void of any emotions "would you like me to change into a more relaxed figure, because I can do that if you like".

I nod vigorously "yes, please do that".

She nods "Very well".

Then two seconds and a blinding light  later a different person stands in her place. She had long auburn hair with freckles overtaking her face. She was wearing a brown leather jacket, black leggings and similar black boots. She twirled in a relaxed was and raises her hands to gesture to herself "better?

I nod "very".

We walk towards a wall and I end up frowning at it. It dissolved into a murky liquid that seemed to stay in the shape of the wall.

I hesitatingly raised a arm and gently prodded it with my finger. An arm suddenly shoots out from the water and pulls me in. A few seconds of being pulled around I'm landed on my feet, sodden and dripping with disgusting water.

A stay in a rigid position while Omas laughter fills the deathly hollow silence if the dark. I turn to glare, careful not to move too much and snap "so not funny".

She snorts and wipes her eyes. In between snorts she manages to get out  "y-you should've seen y-your face!!!!

I continue to glare at her until her laughing stopped and she sheepishly looks at me, shrugging "sorry".

I narrow my eyes into slits and she steps forward, making me move back. She rolls her eyes and reaches forward to grab my arm "here" she says and suddenly my clothes and body are dried off, radiating a comfy heat that smelled suspiciously of Troy.  Thinking about him made tears prick my eyes.

"Better? She asks and I push my tears back to shoot her a thin lipped smile.

"Yeah, it's like the scene from Harry potter! I say amazed, looking at my dried arms.

She looks confused "huh?

My jaw drops and I gawp at her.

"What? She asks.

"You've never seen Harry potter!!!???

She shakes her head and shrugged "no".

I shake my head at her and sigh "You've never lived".

I start walking and she catches up "what's it about?

"Umm, I can't really explain it because there are eight movies but I'll just say that that drying thing you did" I pause and she nods "Yeah, so Dumbledore and Harry go to find  hocrux but they have to swim and Harry is all cold when they get to the creepy cave so Dumbledore casts a spell so Harry dries out and doesn't die of hypothermia".

She nods slowly and then laughs "I don't know anything you just said".

I start to get frustrated "nevermind, you need to watch the movies to know what I mean".

Oma looks ahead, distracted and after a few minutes she cries out "ahh, here we are, the great doorway!

I look at the old falling apart door randomly positioned in the darkness and then I cast a look of concern towards Oma.

"Uhh, it doesn't look very great to me?

She gasps and slaps my arm "What it!.

I laugh and shake my head. I circle the door, inspecting it "sooo... what's this Great Doorway for?

She slaps a hand to her forehead.

I laugh nervously "What, was that stupid question or something?

She shakes her head more before pinching between her eyes "When we met I told you I was gonna get I outta here. Well...."

She looks at me expectantly and gestures to the door slowly as if waiting me to guess- ooohhhh.

I mentally slap my stupidity but confirm with her first "so, this takes me back to Troy?

"Yup" she says popping the 'p'.

I nod slowly "sooo... I just walk through it BAM I'll be back?


I stand there stumped for a while "huh, never expected it to be this easy but I'm all down for it. 'S long as no zombies chase me through" I say laughing but when I catch Oma's confused look I just wave her off "nevermind".

I take a step towards the door which had magically opened when they first reached. I look into the murky water and spot my body with an unhealthy looking Troy next to it. I suck in a breath and close my eyes.

I think happy through before stepping through the water which instantly pulled me through...


Are there any other Harry potter fans? I'm a big one /*🤓🦁

Three questions (comment only emojis so we have to guess):

1. What's your house?
2. What's your patronus?
3. Who's your favourite character?


1. 🦁
2. 🐺🌛
3. 😇👧📚

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