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I nearly collapse but right myself at the last second. I step towards him menacingly and his eyes widen in fear, I could feel my eyes burning bright red in anger "Well that's not gonna happen. Does he know my location?

"No, I had to get enough information of what you were planning so we could have a plan to destroy you".

I nod tensly. I walk calmly towards him and place a hand on his forehead and speak Latin words that came to my head suddenly.

"Iubes me a quolibet animo esse ex memoria mea, mi pater, et alia quae ad me ipsum"

Then I speak in English "You may go, stay far away from me and my father's locations".

He departs and I turn to Cat who looks confused and I give her a look to please forget this and carry on with the test.

She reads my look and says "Mind control, I've never seen it in our species, how did you know the Latin?

I shrug "it just pops into my head and I say the words".

She scribbles stuff in her chart "You have some witch powers inside you"

I look taken aback "what?

"Your mother or father were a witch and a small amount of genes passed down to you so spells pop into your head but instead of you having to move your hands you use your more of your energy to make up for that".

I shake my head "but that can't be right, my dad is one of our species and my mom..."

My Mom!

Cat smiles knowingly "yes, your mother was a powerful witch and I was horrified when I was told she sadly passed from cancer".

Tears threaten to spill but I push them back, not wanting to cry in front of everyone.

"Umm, do you mind if we carry on?

She smiles sadly "of course" then she looks at her chart while I sniff sadly.

"The next on the the list is healing wolves and werewolves".

I nod but then frown when I realise something but before I could speak Cat pulls out a razor sharp penknife and slashes her hand, causing me to gasp.

She walks towards me "I take it you've never healed anyone before?

I shake my head "no, I've healed a wolf before, but never a human"

She reaches me "You have to remember that non of our powers work on humans, it has to be people with some kind of supernatural powers".

I clear my throat nervously and nod.

She smiles reassuringly "you'll be fine Casey, I'll walk you through It, remember, take your time"

"What if I screw up, oh Yeah, people can heal you I forgot".

She shakes her head "no one can do this power".

"Great, the pressures on now" I mutter under my breath.

"Close your eyes" she orders and I comply "now focus on a happy memory" I smile as I catch one, it was me and my dad, before he went crazy. We were making a birthday cake for my mom, it was a bit lopsided but we tried our best. We heard the door open, signalling her arriving and we walk in with the cake singing happy birthday. The look in her eyes was amazing, she looked like it was the best thing anyone had done for her and it felt good, I was proud of myself.

I return back to reality when Cat says "now keep thinking of that memory and now put your happy energy into believing that you can heal my cut".

I did what she ordered and after a few minutes of severe concentration I was ready to quit when I felt the familiar warmth in my hands and I hear the whole class gasp out loud but I ignore them an keep my eyes closed, feeling sweat trickle down my forehead from concentration.

"You can open your eyes now" Cat's voice is soft.

I open them and immediately look at her hand, the cut was gone and now there was only a faint red line. Pride swells my chest but it's distinguished when I realise

"Isn't there just supposed to clear skin There?

She shakes her head "everyone's powers range differently Casey, you happen to excel in everything except Healing, you are still very very good as this will heal over in a few days".

The feeling of disappointment stays and Cat lays her hand on my shoulder "You should be proud, you've got the most powers out of everyone in our species and you are extremely powerful even if you haven't finished".

I nod, my mood slowly lifting and I flash a quick smile at her "So, what's next?

She chuckles "eagerness is good, now, have you bonded with a wolf?

I nod and smile at the memory of Coco "yes".

She looks taken aback "really? She looks into my eyes for a lie and when she doesn't she says "No one's ever bonded with a wolf this young before, does it follow your every command?

I nod "yes, it's like a big fluffy dog, that's the wolf I healed"

Again she looks surprised "I have a wolf as Well and it is just like a big dog" she chuckles "her name is Monique, what's yours?


"Nice name, can you call him/her?

I nod "it's a he" then I whistle through my fingers as loud as I could and listen for pounding footsteps. After a second I was about to whistle again when Cocos familiar footfalls reach our ears. Strangely another accompanies him and I realise that it's Kelly.

They didn't know about the Cougar so it would come as a shock to them when they do.

I smirk at the thought and when screams and shouts fill the room I know Kelly had been seen but I gesture to them all to be quiet because they were making Kelly and Coco antsy.


Hi There, I just wanna say Wow! I've had 700 new reads over these few days and when I woke up this morning to see them all i was gobsmacked.

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