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I wake up once again to my annoying alarm, I yawn and turn it off. I stretch and massage my sore muscles. I quickly get out of bed and take my clothes to the bathroom and shower as quietly and as quickly as possible.

I dry my hair as best as I could and dress. I apply my usual makeup but this time I add some bronzer and eyeshadow because I had a slight black eye and a bruise on my cheekbone.

I look at myself in the mirror and sigh "This is as good as it's gonna get" I mutter.

I grab my bag and head downstairs to make my dad breakfast. I think for a second before going with pancakes, before the pancakes cook I check in my dad's room and see him fast asleep. I cough but he doesn't even stir, Good!

I run back to the kitchen and bake another pancake and slip it in my bag. I cook some bacon and put it on the page before squeezing on some butterscotch sauce, my dad's favourite.

I then put the plate in the oven, grab my bag and head out. I slip my hood over my head and walk to school, eating my pancake.

I walk through the school gates and sneak to my locker. I take out my books and shut my locker. 'So far so good! I think to myself.

I take a step but I had spoken too soon because I'm shoved against a wall. I cry out and try to stop myself falling. I look up and meet the grinning faces of Gorden and his gang of populars.

I sigh and ask "Don't you have more important things to do?

Gorden kicks me in the face causing blood to spill out of my nose, I grab hold of it and try to stop the bleeding while Gorden yells "Don't. you. dare. be. cheeky. to. me!!! He kicks me with each word and when he says the last word he boots me extra hard in the stomach, causing me to go 'Oof'.

I fall to my side and One of Gordens friends - Theo steps hard on my hand. I whimper and pull it back, it being the hand that had been crushed the day before.

He chuckles and sneers "Your useless! Why did your Mum even decide to keep a thing like you!?

I feel a spark of anger and mumble "If I'm so useless why do you spend your time torturing me!?

His face turns red and he stamps on my hand, causing it to crack and he screams "What did you say to me!!!

I yelp and roll over, slowly getting up. Theo's friends have to hold him back from hitting me again when the bell rings for class and one whispers into his ear "Stop, she's not worth the effort".

I sneer at him and make a face as he gives me one last glare and he lunges at me but he's caught by someone mid air.

I look in shock at the person who wanted the death wish and see the most handsome guy in the world, even though I could only see half of his face and I don't even like guys!!! Ok I said that wrong, I'm not a lesbian if you think that, I'm straight and I'm not saying it like I'm homo I'm not. I just don't trust guys anymore.

The mysterious man lifts Theo up higher and snaps in his face "Why don't you cowards pick on someone your own size!?

Theo's face turns red as the mysterious guy squeezes on his neck harder. Gorden launches himself at him and my mouth falls open as he catches him as well without even looking at him.

I stumble back dizzily and run to the bathroom but not before hearing the guy yell "If anyone lays a single finger on her you'll hear from me! Then he adds "And you won't like it!

My vomit narrowly made it in the toilet. When I had finished I slide down against the cubicle wall, my mind swimming with questions

Why did he save me? No one saves me, I'm a no one?

His Abused MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora