645 14 15

WARNING - This chapter contains bloody violence and gore. Read at your own peril

Two days later

All of us are in position, waiting. Listening. Watching.

We hope they have given up on the idea of a war, but i know that is just the dream. He is coming. And he wont stop until i was was dead or my family were.

We hear them first. The trees rustling and the crickets going quiet, signalling that evil was in the air. I get ready. My gaurdian, Kelty and my wolf, Coco on either side of me, are poised and ready to fight. I felt ready. I felt powerful. I was ready to die if that meant my family would be safe.

Everything was quiet now. No rustling. No snapping of twigs. Nobody from our side was breathing. We are all waiting. Everyone except for me was in wolf form, their ears cocked, straining for a sound that would give away their position.

The suspense is driving me mad and i am just about to think it was all in my head when they attacked.

Two seconds later was all it took to create a blood bath. They sprang out of nowhere from the forest. Attacking our warriors with rogue and bloodthirsty teeth.

Their numbers are huge, overtaking ours by miles. But they are inexperienced and basic. Whereas we have years of training. Well, nearly all of us has.

My first attacker was a female rogue. White fur and half-crazed muddy brown eyes. I end her quickly, no need to draw it out. I had plenty of time for that when my father was caught.

I move onto my next victim, vaguely aware of kelty and coco fighting on either side of me, in a battle of their own. This rogue was trickier than the first. It was a male, big, brown, and brutal. He snarls at me and i bare my human teeth back at him, catching him off guard and thats when i attack.

I jump for his back, latching on to his fur, trying to stay on as he shakes viciously to try and get me off. I grab my knife and stab it into his shoulder, bringing a mighty roar from the rogue snarling mouth.

I pick through his mind and find my father is here and he is leading this war. I yank my knife out and quickly jump off his back when he decides he is going to crush me by rolling over.

I jump forward, swishing my knife across his throat, cutting it open like butter and watch as blood splurts out, thick and hot, ending his life quickly.

I then turn my attention to the whole battle and see the littered bodies across the grass. Red tints my vision when i see the bodies of our warriors mingled with the rogues and use my fury to summon all the wolves in the area.

I dont need to open my eyes to know my wolves are there and when i do over a hundred are waiting for my next command. I send 30 to the group to my left who looked as if they were being overpowered by the mutts who were attacking them.

I stay for a second just to see the snarling wolves jump on the unsuspecting rogues and then i turn, bringing my wolves with me as i look for other people to help.

I come across matt and seamus fighting 5 wolves each and send 10 wolves to help and i move on quickly.

I spot Carly and her arrows, each one finding their intended targets and i feel a swell of pride and send 5 wolves to her aid in case she needed it. She sends a nod of thanks in my direction before turning her attention back to the fight.

I reach who i was searching for and sigh in relief when i see Hannah, Estelle, Molly and Troy fighting what looked like 100 wolves with 10 or so warriors. They were being severely overwhelmed and i realised my dad must have sent them to try and kill Troy to weaken me.

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