chapter 46

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"Yh pyar bhi kya qaid hai,
Koei hona na chahey rihaa!♥️"

Author's p.o.v

Whole town was sweating cause it was a sunny afternoon while wives were busy in cooking for their families in front of deadly heated stoves.

"Gosh Samahir! You call it black coffee? It is tasting like Oxalic acid."
Ali whined stopping himself from spitting the small of amount of coffee he had in his mouth.

"Excuse me? Then you better drink Oxalic acid."
She glared at him snatching the cup from his hand.

"You won't admit your mistake ever. Atleast learn how to make coffee. Till when Tooba maa or mom will make food for us?"
He asked sternly.

He was right but she was in mood of listening to him.

"Why always wife should learn? Why can't a husband cook?"
She shouted.

"Cause husbands come home after destroying their whole appearance working just to feed their families. I respect the efforts a wife applies  to put the family together...."
He said calmly.

" Whatever you do I am not interested in it. If you didn't want to drink coffee, then you have asked me to make it in the first place. But why? How can you let any chance of wasting my time and energy go?"

She shouted throwing cup on floor and it scattered in tiny piece making an ear piercing sound.

"Samahir listen.."
He tried to pull her in order to calm her down.

"Go to hell already yar!"
She yanked his hand away and went out stomping her feet.

"Fine!!! I will make myself. I don't need you! Go away! "
He shouted at her back.

Samahir was walking pass kitchen when she heard strange noises.

She stopped and headed towards kitchen.

"Why Rafey? Can't you stay away for a while when you are even watching that I am cooking?"
Fajar whined.

" Yar Fajar everyone cooks what's the big deal in it?"
Rafey shrugged angrily.

It was enough to boil Samahir's blood.

"What's the big deal bhai??"
She glared at Rafey and stood beside Fajar.

"If it's not a big deal then go cook your self. Here we are destroying ourselves just to make ypu giys food and what we get in return? An insult?"
She said angrily leaving Rafey spellbound.

" She is right! If thats how we are going to deal then I am backing off."
Fajar said glaring at Rafey and held Samahir's hand.

" Lets go Mahi!!"
Fajar said taking Samahir with her.


It's been 2 hours to their fight but none of them was ready to bow.

Fajar and Samahir were sitting on wodden chairs across table in garden and were still cursing their husbands when Mahir's  car stopped in porch.

"Don't come near me again!!!"
Zarlin jumped out if car while shouting at Mahir.

Fajar AND Samahir exchanged looks and Zarlin came towards them.

"What happened??"
Samahir asked.

"What happened?? Ask me what didn't happen?"
Zarlin said throwing her handbag on chair.

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