Chapter 53

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"Tu mila to laga sara jahan mil gya!♥️"

Author's p.o.v

"Who are you?"
Ali repeated pulling his hand back from Samahir's grip.

"You.. you don't remember me?"
Mahi whispered with stunned face.

" No! Who are you all?"
Ali said slowly looking at all of them.

"I guess he lost his memory."
Rafey said.

That was the exact moment when Mahi felt as if someone poured a bucket of ice on her in cold winters.

Just then Arsum whispered something  in Wali's ear which made him smirk.

Within a second Wali fisted his hand punched Ali directly on his brain.

"Owe!! My head!! I will kill you Waliiii!!!"
Ali whined while throwing hands.

Just then Wali and Arsum jumped simultaneously and hugged eachother excitedly.

Ali turned his head only to find everyone looking at him with jaws dropping to ground while Samahir was sending him death glares.

"So you don't remember me?"
Samahir said pinching his arm.

"I am sorry!! Sorry! I was kidding but can you guys not forget that I am still injured."
Ali said joining his palms.

Wali and Arsum pulled Samahir back who was ready to slap Ali.

Their mom's were crying while thanking Allah for saving his life while they were busy in cursing him.

Just then doctor came to check Ali up.

"Dare to do this again and I will kiss you myself."
Almir threatened Ali.

Doctor turned his head towards Almir  with the look 'this-lil-shit'.
He was not saying anything but his eyes were screaming yeah that's why I saved him so that you can kill him again.

"Well Thank God that the injury didnt affect his brain cause..."

"Cause he doesnt has brain."
Wali interuppted doctor with a smirk while doctor glared at him.

"Amy ways I was saying that you can take him home tomorrow. We will keep on checking him till morning."
Doctor elaborated.

Rafey went with Mahir to buy Ali's medicine.

"Who will stay here with him?"
Ramza chachi  asked.

"I will!"
Both tooba maa and Minahil shouted simultaneously.

"Yeah why not you stay mom?"
Samahir asked Minahil while eyeing Ali from corner who was now glaring at her.

"Umm no mom! What will you Do?"
Ali coughed.

"I will take care of my son."
Minahil or ked Ali's forehead.

"But your son wants someone else to stay."
Haider said encircling his arm around Samahir.

Ali facepalmed himself and closed his eyes.

"Uhh yeah!"
Tooba maa nodded while Minahil was still confused.

"Oh ho mom how can you be dad's wife?"
Wali murmured.

"What do you mean?"
Haider raised brow at him.

"Mean yeah! Mean! Dad is so mean while you are so innocent."
Wali elaborated.

All of them burst into laughter while Haider was ready to break Walis jaw but stopped upon hearing Minahil's voice.

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